The <Trishula> (a destruct trident when unidentified) is a Elona+ exclusive polearm-type precious weapon wielded by <Rovid>. He doesn't drop it upon defeat.
The weapon's cold-type damage and Ice Bolt invoke may be a reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! card Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.
Guaranteed Attributes[]
It weighs 2.0s. | |
It is made of ether. | |
It speeds up the ether disease while equipping. | |
It is acidproof. | |
It is fireproof. | |
It is precious. | |
It can be wielded as a weapon (4d12 Pierce 25%) | |
It modifies hit bonus by 0 and damage bonus by 12. | |
It modifies DV by -25 and PV by 0. | |
It invokes Ice Bolt. [#####+] (1000) | |
It deals cold damage. [#####] (400) | |
It increases your Speed by 5. | |
It gives you a chance to throw an absolute piercing attak.[sic] [#####+] (500) | |
It negates the effect of fear. | |
Note: attributes may vary depending on luck. |
The item sprite ID for the <Trishula> is 926 (Row 28, Column 2) using the item sprite zero-based position system.