One of the three guilds of North Tyris, the Thieves' Guild is located in the pub in Derphy. To gain membership in the guild, one must first complete the Joining the Thieves' Guild quest.
The Thieves' Guild assignments require you to steal and sell items worth a specific amount of gold total. This means any item marked with the attribute "It's a stolen item" regardless of the item type and whether or not it was stolen before taking the quest.
For every quest completed and reported, the player is rewarded gold, platinum coins, and non-unique (sometimes rare) furniture.
- Fence: Fence who will buy stolen items from you for their full price, unlike regular merchants; only if you have joined the guild though, otherwise he will buy stolen items for a lowered price like other merchants.
- Thief Tools Merchant: Sells disguise kits and lockpicks. This is the easiest and by far most reliable source to get them, and also you don't need to be a member to trade with him!
- Guild Trainer: Trains Perception, Learning, Will for 3 Platinum Coins. Only appear as visitors in Your Home once a maid is hired.
- Skill Trainer: The only way to learn Pickpocket and Disarm Trap for classes that do not start with them, besides friendly adventurers. Located in the upper-left room near the stairs.
- Blackmarket vendors lower their prices for guild members. This is perhaps the best longtime benefit of the guild.
- Guild assignments do not force the player to hunt in specific places. Stealing anything from anywhere and selling to any shopkeeper counts for quest completion.
- The guild's Fence can buy any stolen items for their original value. This is only available to guild members.
- Constant supply of lockpicks and disguise kits.
- The guild has a toilet (which works like a fountain, disgustingly enough) that can be refilled.
- The guild is populated by Thief guild members, the second best shopkeeper in the game, and there is nothing stopping the player from dominating or capturing one.
- The furniture rewarded from guild quests can be resold for a decent amount of money. This can be a good way to gain gold during the early game, but later dungeon diving becomes more practical.
- The Thieves' Guild does not offer any direct combat benefits (Blackmarket, Fence, thieving tools, kitty banks).
- While you can join the guild without Pickpocket skill trained, it will be required to complete guild quests.
- Guild mandated pickpocketing will reduce your karma, unless under the influence of the Secret treasure of the wicked.
- Sin the thief guildmaster: Found in the central room, right from the stairs. Gives the Guild Quest Level 40 once Guild Rank 5~1 has been reached.
- Abyss the thief watchman: Guards the guild's entrance in Derphy. Gives the initiation quest and guild quota quests.
- Thief guild member: Neutral NPCs that wander around the guild. Unlike the members of other guilds, they can appear as common enemies outside the guild.
Sneaking into a hostile guild[]
As there are disguise kits inside the Thieves' Guild, it is possible, but impractically difficult, to use them to cast incognito in order to use the guild's services without being a member and without having the incognito spell or scroll version. You can only disguise yourself AFTER you use the stairs to enter. You can then move to the trainer and buy the skills and teleport to the exit or teleport the guildmaster away with a rod or spell.
The guildmaster of each guild will immediately see through your disguise and chase you no matter what you do.
Miscellaneous and Tips[]
- The Thieves' Guild also has 2 kitty banks.
- The Thieves' Guild has 3 safes.
- The Thieves' Guild doesn't reset unless you cheat, and has many nice spots where you can steal items from if you teleport/kill the NPCs. Paintings and black crystals are quite valuable so robbing guild's vault and selling stuff back to them is a nice way to build up rank without much effort.
- If you are planning to join Thieves' Guild, Make sure you are at max available karma when starting the quest and save some Lost Wallets/Properties to get your karma back (As each gives 5 Karma and you normally will be at -40 Karma after doing it, you only need 3x to get to -25 Karma and not be considered a criminal, you do however need incognito to not be attacked by guards)
- Another quick way to restore Karma is to save as much money as you can in kitty banks, drop all your items (including what you wear) in your home, and save some food in your inventory. Keep getting killed by guards in towns. Once you die, you will gain 10 karma for every time you died. Once you are considered no longer a criminal, go pick up all your stuff at home.
- Alternatively, you can drop all your items in the graveyard instead since it is a static, safe area where items won't disappear naturally, no monsters or effects will destroy them (only you and your pets could) and can be stored in greater numbers than at home.
- Getting Scrolls of Incognito and buying Disguise Kits from Thief Tools Merchant is the fastest way to gain relatively safe access to all guild skill trainers
- Using Pickpocket on any object within view of NPCs and getting caught, then leaving the map, will safely and quickly reduce your karma. NPCs will forget the crime until the guards start noticing when your karma is low enough.
- Another way to join the Thieves' Guild is by loading up extremely heavy cargo and not sleeping, which reduces your speed to 10, allowing time to pass very quickly while moving on the world map. You can then go to a wilderness tile and have your pets fight enemies while you waste turns (wilderness maps use your cargo speed limit) walking around. This causes a lot of random events to happen due to the passing of time, which includes finding dead adventurers to bury for +5 karma. Gaining access AND recovering your karma can be done in the same way while also training your pets and collecting loot!
- Another good idea will be to pair joining the guild with thermonuclear event in Palmia. Since both quests mean big karma hits and karma cannot go lower than -100, it will be more effective to build your karma up from deep minus one time rather than two. Obviously, set nuke just before karma-hitting bill comes. Have a lot of strength so you can steal whatever is not burnt or heavy. Fence it or keep it.
Elona+ Changes[]
You now need to have -100 karma to join the guild. You can use ways to bring it back up afterwards.
Added Guild Quest Level 40. The Thieves' Guild reward for this quest's completion is the unique artifact furniture Wooden horse.
Any merchants at your home will also act as a fence once you've joined the guild.
Guards have the ability to send low Health PCs straight to the jail. It has the same karmic effect as dying but takes longer and you don't die (but do risk dying of starvation anyways if you don't have enough food).
The Thieves' Guild hideout resets like towns.
- Naga the thief reporter: Stationed in the Melkawn casino entrance, northeast of the map. Gives guild quota quests but doesn't offer initiation quests.