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Elona Wiki

(Random name) the thief guild member
Level 26 Juere Thief
Str: 41(Hopeless) Con: 45(Hopeless) Dex: 83(Hopeless)
Per: 59(Hopeless) Lea: 56(Hopeless) Wil: 38(Hopeless)
Mag: 38(Hopeless) Cha: 54(Hopeless)
Life: 100 Mana: 100 Speed: 106
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 18 (7%)
Healing: 20 (7%)
Shield: 18 (7%)
Heavy Armor: 20 (7%)
Medium Armor: 34 (11%)
Lock Picking: 16 (7%)
Dual Wield: 20 (7%)
Light Armor: 20 (7%)
Evasion: 34 (11%)
Pickpocket: 20 (7%)
Stealth: 20 (7%)
Faith: 20 (7%)
Meditation: 20 (7%)
Magic Device: 18 (7%)
Negotiation: 30 (11%)
Performer: 20 (7%)

Long Sword: 32 (11%)
Axe: 20 (7%)
Martial Arts: 30 (11%)
Scythe: 20 (7%)
Blunt: 20 (7%)
Polearm: 20 (7%)
Stave: 20 (7%)
Short Sword: 34 (11%)
Bow: 32 (11%)
Crossbow: 20 (7%)
Throwing: 32 (11%)


Fire: Normal
Cold: Normal
Lightning: Normal
Darkness: Normal
Mind: Normal
Poison: Normal

Nether: Normal
Sound: Normal
Nerve: Normal
Chaos: Normal
Magic: No Resist

(Random name) the thief guild member
Level 26 Juere Thief
Str: 41(Hopeless) Con: 45(Hopeless) Dex: 83(Hopeless)
Per: 59(Hopeless) Lea: 56(Hopeless) Wil: 38(Hopeless)
Mag: 38(Hopeless) Cha: 54(Hopeless)
Life: 100 Mana: 100 Speed: 106
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 18 (7%)
Healing: 20 (7%)
Shield: 18 (7%)
Heavy Armor: 20 (7%)
Medium Armor: 34 (11%)
Lock Picking: 30 (11%)
Dual Wield: 20 (7%)
Light Armor: 20 (7%)
Evasion: 34 (11%)
Pickpocket: 20 (7%)
Stealth: 20 (7%)
Faith: 20 (7%)
Meditation: 20 (7%)
Magic Device: 18 (7%)
Negotiation: 30 (11%)
Performer: 20 (7%)

Long Sword: 32 (11%)
Axe: 20 (7%)
Martial Arts: 30 (11%)
Scythe: 20 (7%)
Blunt: 20 (7%)
Polearm: 20 (7%)
Stave: 20 (7%)
Short Sword: 34 (11%)
Bow: 32 (11%)
Crossbow: 20 (7%)
Throwing: 32 (11%)
Firearm: 20 (7%)


Fire: Little
Cold: Little
Lightning: Little
Darkness: Little
Mind: Little
Poison: Little

Nether: Little
Sound: Little
Nerve: Little
Chaos: Little
Magic: No Resist

For the Elona+ enemy see, see Theif guild member.

Thief guild members are found in the Thieves' Guild under Derphy. Because of their relatively high negotiation, they make decent shopkeepers.

In combat, they occasionally (50%) attempt to move closer. They will attack with their ranged weapons as they close in, then use dual wield melee attacks at close range.


Thief guild members cannot be evolved.

Elona+ changes[]

Their Lock Picking skill has increased and they gain the Firearm skill. They also lose some of their resistances.



  • cardthief guild creates a card of a thief guild member.
  • figurethief guild creates a figurine of a thief guild member.


Sprite numbers for the thief guild member are 76 and 77 for male and female, respectively.
