Elona Wiki
The Abyss of Magic
C607-Nein the flying witch
Nein at the Eulderna Blimp asked me to bring her a certain monster. I don't know its name, but it's a pseudo-life form with magic circuits engraved on its body.
Quest giver Nein the flying witch
Location Eulderna blimp
Rec. level 130
Requirements None
Task Bring her a mana monolith.
Reward The Sonic Broom
A scroll of gain attribute
5 platinum coins

This quest was added in the 1.43 update of Elona+.

From: <Nein> in the Eulderna Blimp.

Reward: The <Sonic Broom>, a Scroll of gain attribute, 5 Platinum coins.

Task: Bring her a Mana monolith.

You keep the mana monolith after completing the quest.
