Elona Wiki

Spellbooks are the main source of spells in Elona. Reading a spellbook checks the difficulty of the book against your literacy skill (which can temporarily be boosted by the Divine Wisdom spell or a scroll of knowledge). If the check succeeds, you increase your spell stock in the spell, with the increase being boosted by your memorization skill and lowered by the amount of stock you already have. If the check fails it may cause the player to randomly teleport, to lose MP and possibly die as a result of magic reaction, or to summon monsters. Because of the possibility of summoning monsters, it is recommended that you read difficult spellbooks in the wilderness, a portable shelter or the Puppy Cave, rather than in a town or your home (though in Elona+ the monsters will eventually disappear from towns (but still remain in your home)). Further, since draining your MP to negative numbers causes damage, it is recommended that when reading difficult spellbooks that you Rest until your MP is full.

All spellbooks have a number after them that tells the maximum times the spellbook may be read; when the number reaches zero, the spellbook falls apart. This number can only be seen after the spellbook has been identified. The number can be increased by using a scroll of recharge or the Fill Charge on the spellbook. However, this has the chance of exploding the spellbook.

If you've joined the Mages' Guild then you can "reserve" most of the books which you've successfully read at a special shop, which will cause that shop to stock multiples of the reserved spellbook.

Use of spellbook reading failure[]

It should be noted that the third result of reading spellbooks may be used in both good and bad ways. Because artifacts have a chance to drop if the NPC carrying them dies, spellbook failures may be use to intentionally kill high level NPCs to retrieve their artifacts. Any players interested in attempting this should however be warned that NPCs, notably adventurers, are surprisingly more powerful than they should be. Any damage the player causes through spellbooks will be automatically repaired in a few days time, as well as any NPCs killed respawning. The worse that can happen to the player by doing this is dying to the monsters and not being able to return to town for a few days if the monsters are not killed. Note that monsters that can split or summon other monsters can be especially dangerous, as they can overwhelm the NPCs more easily and possibly make part of the city unusable. It is recommended to do this in a well-guarded city such as Palmia, where guards can kill the monsters more easily if they go out of control.

List of Spellbooks[]

Spellbook listing by a rough order of difficulty in reading them. This list is not complete. The number after them is the number of turns it takes to read the spellbook.

The number of turns it takes to read a spellbook is dependent on your literacy skill and maybe other things. Books that take about 10 turns or less are books your character can comfortably read with few failures. Books that take over 12 will begin to have high failure rates. You can record the number of turns by looking at your character sheet before and after reading a book. In Elona+, it added a note on the difficulty of reading each book.

Literacy skill gained seems to depend only on number of turns; blessed books read in the same amount of time.

Note: Some spellbooks have names different than the spells they grant upon reading; I have listed some of the spell names next to their corresponding spellbooks. (This list is incomplete; please verify, add, or correct as needed.)

  • 4-Dimensional Pocket
  • Hero
  • Holy shield
  • Magic arrow [gives Magic Dart spell]
  • Minor teleportation [gives Short Teleport spell]
  • Web
  • Make door [gives Door Creation spell]
  • Darkness arrow [gives Dark Eye spell]
  • Incognito
  • Lightning bolt
  • Fire bolt
  • Ice bolt
  • Detect objects [gives Sense Object spell]
  • Wall creation
  • Summon monster
  • Weakness [gives Mist of Frailness spell]
  • Knowledge [gives Divine Wisdom spell]
  • Resistance
  • Illusion eye
  • Harvest
  • Cure critical wound [gives Heal Critical spell]
  • Nether eye [gives Nether Arrow spell]
  • Healing hands
  • Nerve eye [gives Nerve Arrow spell]
  • Regeneration
  • Holy light
  • Healing hand
  • Holy Veil
  • Teleport
  • Fire ball
  • Ice ball
  • Acid ground
  • Slow
  • Magic mapping
  • Nightmare
  • Healing rain
  • Holy rain
  • Return
  • Illusion beam [gives Mind Bolt spell]
  • Darkness beam [gives Darkness Bolt spell]
  • Chaos eye
  • Weaken resistance
  • Silence
  • Fire wall
  • Sound ball [gives Raging Roar]
  • Cure <Eris>
  • Identify
  • Speed
  • Uncurse
  • Contingency
  • Oracle
  • Domination
  • Wish
  • Elemental Scar
  • Magic laser [gives Crystal Spear spell]
  • Heal minor wound (gives Heal Light)

Spellbooks and ancient books in Elona+[]

The base reading difficulty of ancient books is

20 + 10GP + 20GP2

where GP is the guild points that it yields in the mages' guild quest. A second Apocalypse ancient book was added in Elona+ ('True Apocalypse').

If the book is blessed, then


If cursed, then it is


The following checks occur every turn during book reading to see if reading should succeed during that turn, or fail and end the entire book reading attempt:

If the player character is blinded, then spellbook reading fails.
If the player character is confused (and dimmed in vanilla Elona), then spellbook reading has a 75% chance of failing.

It then rolls

for every pet taking part in the Reading Party, with the contribution of every pet having a lower bound of 3 and upper bound of , and
 equals the attribute used for the spell that the spellbook is for, such as Dexterity for a spellbook of feather. If the book is an ancient book, then it will be the Magic attribute.
If the value rolled on the left is equal or larger (equal or more skill than difficulty) than the one on the right, then spellbook reading succeeds for this turn.
If this roll fails, then the game will perform up to 4 additional rolls to determine if book reading should fail - failing any of these will fail the book reading.
First roll: 1/7 chance of failing reading
If (Attribute * 10) < NetDifficulty, then it rolls a second time:
(Attribute * 10 + 1) against (NetDifficulty + 1)
If (Attribute * 20 + 1) < NetDifficulty, then it rolls a third time:
(Attribute * 20 + 1) against (NetDifficulty + 1)
If (Attribute * 30 + 1) < NetDifficulty, then it rolls a fourth time:
(Attribute * 30 + 1) against (NetDifficulty + 1)
If the above 4 additional rolls were passed, then book reading will succeed for that turn.

If book reading has failed, then it has...

a 1/4 chance of absorbing your mana, followed by
a 1/4 chance of applying confusion, then
a 1/4 chance of summoning 2-4 monsters.
Otherwise, the player gets teleported.

Turns to read is

If in a reading party, then turns to read is

In other words, it takes 1.5 times as many turns +5.

Note that turns to read is calculated with base difficulty, and not with net difficulty, so cursed and blessed books will read in the same number of turns.

Base reading difficulty of spellbooks is also the cast difficulty of their respective spells, except for Wish and Harvest, which adds additional casting difficulty based on their spell levels. See the Elona+ Spells (Technical) page for details.

Spell ID Spell (J) Spell (E) Spellbook (E) Item ID Stat Base MP cost/Guild Points Base Difficulty
400 軽傷治癒 Heal Light cure minor wound 249 Icon-will plus 6 80
401 致命傷治癒 Heal Critical cure critical wound 250 Icon-will plus 15 350
402 エリスの癒し Cure of Eris cure <Eris> 251 Icon-will plus 35 800
403 ジュアの癒し Cure of Jua cure <Jure> 252 Icon-will plus 80 1300
405 癒しの手 Healing Touch healing hands 550 Icon-will plus 20 400
406 清浄なる光 Holy Light holy light 386 Icon-will plus 15 400
407 全浄化 Vanquish Hex holy rain 387 Icon-will plus 35 850
409 テレポートアザー Teleport Other Icon-magic Plus 10 200
408 テレポート Teleport teleportation 20 Icon-magic Plus 10 400
410 ショートテレポート Short Teleport minor teleportation 116 Icon-magic Plus 8 120
411 鑑定 Identify identify 21 Icon-perception plus 28 800
412 解呪 Uncurse uncurse 22 Icon-will plus 35 700
413 神託 Oracle oracle 247 Icon-magic Plus 150 1500
414 魔法の矢 Magic Dart magic arrow 257 Icon-magic Plus 5 110
415 地獄の吐息 Nether Arrow nether eye 263 Icon-magic Plus 8 400
417 混沌の瞳 Chaos eye chaos eye 264 Icon-magic Plus 10 650
416 麻痺の矢 Nerve Arrow nerve eye 265 Icon-magic Plus 10 400
418 暗黒の矢 Dark eye darkness arrow 660 Icon-magic Plus 10 200
459 魔力の集積 Crystal Spear magic laser 697 Icon-magic Plus 20 950
419 アイスボルト Ice Bolt ice bolt 32 Icon-magic Plus 10 220
420 ファイアボルト Fire Bolt fire bolt 33 Icon-magic Plus 10 220
421 ライトニングボルト Lightning Bolt lightning bolt 34 Icon-magic Plus 10 220
422 ダークネスボルト Darkness Bolt darkness beam 267 Icon-magic Plus 12 350
423 マインドボルト Mind Bolt illusion beam 268 Icon-magic Plus 12 350
475 ハイドロボルト Water Bolt water beam 1033 Icon-magic Plus 12 350
431 氷結の波動 Ice Ball ice ball 269 Icon-magic Plus 16 450
432 灼熱の嵐 Fire Ball fire ball 270 Icon-magic Plus 16 450
433 混沌の渦 Chaos Ball chaos ball 272 Icon-magic Plus 20 1000
434 轟音の波動 Raging Roar sound ball 271 Icon-magic Plus 18 700
460 魔力の嵐 Magic Storm magic ball 696 Icon-magic Plus 40 1400
469 月蝕の檻 Eclipse Eclipse wave Icon-magic Plus 40 1200
470 雷霆の渦 Thunder vortex Thunder Vortex Icon-magic Plus 20 1000
471 冥王の咆哮 Nether Roar Nether Roar Icon-magic Plus 30 1000
473 猛毒の嵐 Poison Storm Poison Storm Icon-magic Plus 25 450
476 泡沫の嵐 Bubble Storm Bubble Storm Icon-magic Plus 35 800
404 治癒の雨 Healing Rain healing rain 548 Icon-will plus 38 500
466 グラビティ Gravity Icon-magic Plus 24 750
424 モンスター召喚 Summon Monsters summon monsters 118 Icon-magic Plus 15 200
425 野生召喚 Summon Wild Icon-magic Plus 15 200
467 精霊召喚 Summon spirit Icon-magic Plus 30 200
435 支配 Dominate domination 481 Icon-charisma Plus 125 2000
436 蜘蛛の巣 Web web 484 Icon-magic Plus 10 150
437 闇の霧 Mist of Darkness Icon-magic Plus 12 320
472 光の霧 Mist of Dazzling Icon-magic Plus 12 320
438 壁生成 Wall Creation wall creation 546 Icon-magic Plus 20 250
457 ドア生成 Door Creation make door 582 Icon-magic Plus 15 200
455 酸の海 Acid Ground acid ground 564 Icon-magic Plus 18 480
456 炎の壁 Fire Wall fire wall 569 Icon-magic Plus 24 640
428 帰還 Return return 248 Icon-perception plus 28 550
463 四次元ポケット 4-Dimensional Pocket 4 dimensional pocket 731 Icon-perception plus 60 750
429 魔法の地図 Magic Map magic mapping 246 Icon-perception plus 30 450
464 魔術師の収穫 Wizard's Harvest harvest 732 Icon-charisma Plus 45 350
430 物質感知 Sense Object detect objects 410 Icon-perception plus 22 250
439 肉体復活 Restore Body Icon-will plus 18 250
440 精神復活 Restore Spirit Icon-will plus 18 250
461 復活 Resurrection Icon-will plus 60 1650
441 願い Wish wishing 289 Icon-magic Plus 580 5250
465 メテオ Meteor Icon-magic Plus 220 1450
454 自己の変容 Mutation mutation 434 Icon-perception plus 21 2250
442 聖なる盾 Holy Shield holy shield 365 Icon-will plus 8 150
443 沈黙の霧 Mist of Silence silence 367 Icon-perception plus 24 620
444 リジェネレーション Regeneration regeneration 369 Icon-will plus 16 400
445 属性保護 Attribution Shield resistance 371 Icon-will plus 14 350
446 加速 Speed speed 373 Icon-will plus 28 1050
447 鈍足 Slow slow 374 Icon-magic Plus 10 450
448 英雄 Hero hero 378 Icon-will plus 12 80
449 脆弱の霧 Mist of frailness weakness 380 Icon-magic Plus 8 300
450 元素の傷跡 Element Scar elemental scar 381 Icon-magic Plus 15 600
451 ホーリーヴェイル Holy Veil holy veil 383 Icon-will plus 20 900
452 ナイトメア Nightmare nightmare 396 Icon-perception plus 15 500
453 知者の加護 Divine Wisdom knowledge 397 Icon-learning plus 22 350
458 インコグニート Incognito incognito 628 Icon-perception plus 38 250
462 契約 Contingency contingency 710 Icon-will plus 25 1250
468 フェザー Feather feather 870 Icon-dexterity plus 8 150
474 集中 Concentration concentration 978 Icon-perception plus 12 100
477 守護石 Gem Power gem 1076 Icon-constitution plus 12 120
ヴォイニッチ写本 Voynich Manuscript 687 [1 GP] 50
ドール賛歌 Dhol Chants 687 [2 GP] 120
ポナペ教教典 Ponape Scripture 687 [3 GP] 230
グラーキ黙示録 Revelations of Glaaki 687 [4 GP] 380
グ=ハーン断章 G'harne Fragments 687 [5 GP] 570
断罪の書 Liber Damnatus 687 [6 GP] 800
ドジアンの書 Book of Dzyan 687 [7 GP] 1070
エイボンの書 Book of Eibon 687 [8 GP] 1380
大いなる教書 Grand Grimoire 687 [9 GP] 1730
セラエノ断章 Celaeno Fragments 687 [10 GP] 2120
ネクロノミコン Necronomicon 687 [11 GP] 2550
ルルイエ異本 The R'lyeh Text 687 [12 GP] 3020
エルトダウン・シャールズ Eltdown Shards 687 [13 GP] 3530
金枝篇 The Golden Bough 687 [14 GP] 4080
終焉の書 Apocalypse 687 [15 GP] 4670
真なる終焉の書 True Apocalypse 687 [16 GP] 5300