- For special actions in Elona+, see Special action (Elona+).
- For special actions in Omake, see Special action (Omake).
- For special actions in Mobile, see Spells and Actions (Mobile).
Special actions are unique abilities that can be used by hitting the action button. They are either used for utility functions, like teleporting or pickpocketing, or offense, like fire breath.
Their effectiveness is based on a corresponding stat (Pickpocketing is based on Dexterity, etc). The higher your corresponding attribute is, the more effective the special action usually is in some way - attacks have more dice of damage, there is an increased chance of an ability working, or duration is extended, depending upon the ability in question. Some special actions (such as Dimensional Move) do not have any scaling effects, however, and do not change regardless of your stats.
Special actions use up Stamina; attempting to use a special action while affected by the Tired condition may result in failure to utilize the action (Stamina cost is still applied if failure occurs); attempting to use special actions while affected by the Very Tired condition or worse will always result in failure. It is possible to reduce yourself to the Very Tired! condition by repeatedly trying to use special actions, so be careful.
Using special actions trains the attribute it corresponds to. This means that special actions that are self-targeting or otherwise capable of being used in general circumstances can be used in safe places to train your stats, as they only cost stamina, which you can rest to regain for as long as you have enough food.
Special actions can be opened up for use through the gaining of certain feats, belonging to a certain race (most are debug races), or reaching a certain level of a Skill. Special Actions may also be gained from being aligned with certain gods, and changing your allegiance would remove the skill.
Typing "gain_spact" into the console in wizard mode will also give you all special actions except pickpocket and riding.
Special Actions Gained Via Skills[]
Special Actions Gained Via Feats[]
Special Actions Gained Via Aligning to Gods[]
Special Actions Unique To Races[]