Elona Wiki
Elona Wiki

I728-SonicTonfa The <Sonic Tonfa> (a tonfa when unidentified) is a tonfa that is only available in the Elona+ mod of Elona.

As of Elona+ 1.35R2, it is wielded by <Fron> the tour planner.


It weighs 1.8s
Item-basic It is made of ether.
Item-basic It speeds up the ether disease when equipping.
Item-basic It is acidproof.
Item-basic It is fireproof.
Item-basic It is precious.
Item-weapon It modifies hit bonus by 5 and damage bonus by 25.
Item-armor It modifies DV by 10 and PV by 10.
Item-skill It improves your Martial Arts skill. [###] (+13)
Item-resist It grants your resistance to sound. [####] (+150)
Item-stat It increases your Speed by 10.
Item-special It gives you a chance to throw an absolute piercing attak.[sic] [#####+] (400)
Note: attributes may vary depending on luck.


The item sprite ID for the <Sonic Tonfa> is 728 (Row 22, Column 2) using the item sprite zero-based position system.
