Elona Wiki

Small medals are valuable currency that can be swapped for rare and sometimes powerful items at Miral and Garok's Workshop, south of Noyel.

There are a total of 115 static small medals.

Places to Find Medals[]

  • Passing directly over a hidden medal will display a *twinkle* message, this does not seem to be dependent on Perception.
  • Searching the ground in towns may result in a "You sense something." message, which appears when you are within 6 steps of the medal in an 11x11 block of tiles centered on the medal. When you are at most two steps away from the medal (a 5x5 area of 25 tiles), it will become a "You see something shining." message. Once you are on top of it and search again, the medal will be placed on the ground. Medals found in this way are not random and will be in the same place if a new character is created. Note that having walls or closed doors in the way doesn't make any difference: you can get the "you see something shining" message even if the medal is on the other side of a wall.
  • Can be part of the reward for beating the boss of a random dungeon.
  • Treasure Balls.
  • Any containers. Check every chest and safe even in town.
  • Marriage.
  • Hidden treasure (using treasure map).
  • Thrown by listening NPCs while performing.
  • The spell "Wizard's Harvest" has a small chance of giving these.
  • Silver Bells may drop these.
  • You may find them while mining, though this is very rare.
  • Very rarely it will be requested in an "I want it!" quest, which means the target of the quest will have one in their inventory.
    • You can trade with the target by taking the quest, but remember that you'll lose fame if you don't then give it to the requester.

List of static medals in the game[]

Vernis (13)[]

10 are available in the town itself, 3 in the town dungeons

  • Inside the pool of water with the cat statue. First row from the bottom, third from the left.
  • Inn, third bedroom from the left, directly in front of the bed.
  • Behind the fruit tree that is near the inn.
  • Room with the girl who gives you the slime quest, the tile left of her bed.
  • Room with the kid who gives you the puppy cave quest, in front of the table (the one to the right of the bookshelf).
  • Building to the north of the blacksmith. Top room with the canvas, in front of the bed, to the left.
  • West side of town, to the left of the blacksmith building, directly above one of the brown mining carts.
  • Pub, to the right of the piano.
  • Above the ID NPC shop, in the small alleyway, one tile SE of the extreme right brown mining cart.
  • In front of the tombstone in the graveyard that has its top cut off by the end of the map.
  • Slime dungeon, room with the furniture, middle row, third tile from the left.
  • In the slime dungeon, last room, third row from the top, 2nd tile from the right.
  • Slime dungeon, last room, bottom row, 3rd tile from the left.

Cyber Dome (3)[]

  • Just above the black crystal in the room with the luxury bed.
  • In the bottom right corner, outside the dome, against the wall.
  • In the room east of the altar, under the bed.

Yowyn (6)[]

  • Directly in front of the quest sign board.
  • Behind the fruit tree south of the information shop.
  • In the smaller of the two rooms at the SW corner of town, 2 steps in.
  • In the elder's house at the NW corner of town, 2 squares under the far right bed.
  • Above the pick in the field north of the inn.
  • Below the novice knight who gives the quest to kill the yeek chief.

Palmia (12)[]

  • From the bottom left corner of the map, 1 square right, 4 squares up.
  • On the east side of town, in the northernmost of three small empty houses, the bottom right corner.
  • North of the two fountains, in the storeroom on the left. (View Location)
  • In the SW pool of water, bottom right tile.
  • In the north pool of water, extreme NE tile.
  • In the room south of the throne room, extreme SE tile.
  • In front of the king's bed.
  • In the room north of the general goods vendor on the east side of town, near the east wall. (View Location)
  • Outside the Arena Master's building, southeast of the two trees. (View Location)
  • In the building south of the pub, in front of the single suit of armor.
  • In the area with the fountains and benches, to the right of the SW bench.
  • From the Northeast corner of the map 1 square left and 8 squares down.

Embassy (3)[]

  • One square above the cat statue in the bottom-left corner.
  • One square above the cat statue in the bottom-right corner.
  • In the third room from the left, next to the single cupboard.

Lumiest (8)[]

  • Extreme SE corner of the pub.
  • In the room with the informer, between the 2 bunk beds.
  • SW of the tree that is north of the elder's house.
  • NE of the elder's house. (View Location)
  • At the inn, in the middle of the 3 bedrooms, to the right of the bed.
  • In the Baker's, between the dining tables.
  • Extreme NW corner of Lumiest by the water.
  • NE corner of containers those are across from trainer and wizard's house.

Lumiest Graveyard (2)[]

  • In between the lower-left candlestick and the altar.
  • On the grave furthest to the right.

Noyel (9)[]

  • 2 tiles East of the holy cross in the chapel.
  • Underneath the fire giant, you can get this medal without freeing the giant by teleporting him (with a rod of teleportation, or the spell teleport other).
  • Extreme SE corner of the town, in the tile between 2 rocks.
  • In a hole next to the Holy Well on the very North East side.
  • NE of the city chart. (View Location)
  • From the city's main entrance (by the pub), directly behind the lamp post on the left.
  • In the house to the left of Pael's, in front of the bed.
  • Behind the dead tree to the left of the informer and wizard's room.
  • Between the snow scarecrows, on the right field, left of the Chapel.

The Truce Ground (3)[]

  • Behind (1 square above) three of the immovable pillars.

Port Kapul (8)[]

  • On the middle of the easternmost bridge. (View Location)
  • Left of the blue treasure machine in the Arena building, under the candle.
  • Near the food vendor, between the hole in the wares at bottom of the map. (View Location)
  • One square above the palm tree, and one square to the right of the noticeboard in front of the inn.
  • Behind the lamp post in the far NW corner of town.
  • Behind the lamp post south of the magic vendor.
  • In the middle room of the 3 at the SE corner of town.
  • In the second landing-stage (from top to bottom) left of the boat.

Derphy (8)[]

  • In the left side of the pub, one tile below the slot machine on the left.
  • In the middle room of the inn, below the bunk bed.
  • Right side of the city, behind the second dead tree south of the gate.
  • In the storage room near the east gate, dead center.
  • In <Mark>'s house (left of the storage room from the last medal), in the bottom-left corner.
  • In the top-right corner of the map, one left and two up from the dead tree.
  • One tile southeast of the top-left corner of the map.
  • In the identification NPC's building (bottom-left with a dirt floor), in the bottom-left corner.

Miral and Garok's Workshop (3)[]

  • Behind the tree that is south of Garok's workshop.
  • Between the two beds in the NE room.
  • Six squares West and three squares North of the West door, behind the tree. (View Location)

Larna (7)[]

  • In the pub, just south of the grand piano.
  • In the hot spring, three steps west of the southernmost inner tube.
  • In the hot spring, south of the westernmost chochin.
  • In the hot spring, two steps south of the northernmost chochin.
  • Near the Return mage, between two of the eastern beds.
  • In the northern ruins, behind a hook-shaped outcropping, 2 steps east and 1 step south of the eastern large bouquet.
  • In the northern ruins, at the far northeast, one step southwest of the broken pillar.

The mansion of younger sister (6)[]

  • Four on the face of the image of the girl; one on the ribbon, one on the ear, on at the top right corner of her eye, and one just SE of her mouth.
  • One in front of the bathtub in the NE room of the house.
  • One left of the bed in the NW corner of the house.

Ancient Castle (3)[]

  • Last floor, left treasure room, in front of the SE suit of armor.
  • Last floor, right treasure room, in front of the NW suit of armor.
  • Last floor, on the chessboard. (View Location)

Tower of Fire (3)[]

  • One behind the out of place pillar NE of where you enter the room.
  • One behind the third pillar of the row of pillars SE of where you enter the room.
  • One at the eastern most point of the room.

Crypt of the Damned (3)[]

  • One in the most northwest point of the last floor.
  • One a tile NW of the southern chest on the last floor.
  • One behind the cross, SE of the pentagram in the eastern room, on the last floor.

Forts of Chaos <Beast>, <Collapsed>, and <Machine> (5 each)[]

  • All three Forts of Chaos in North Tyris have small medals hidden at the very end of the passage, in the wide room where each of the three respective bosses awaits.
    • One step south of the right bejeweled chest.
    • Two steps east of the center pentagram.
    • Three steps north, four steps west of the center pentagram.
    • Seven steps east, one step south of the center pentagram.
    • Six steps west, two steps south of the center pentagram.


  • Small medal has an updated sprite.
  • Once you've completed the Main Quest and can visit South Tyris, you can use them at the Deep-sea castle to buy lunches, which will increase or decrease your age.
  • Can be used in some pot for fusion recipes.
  • There are 163 additional static small medals, for a total of 278 static small medals.
  • Sense Object reveals small medals.

Static medals in Elona+[]

The Adventure Seminar (1)[]

  • Behind the desk, in the closet on the right.

Doujou (6)[]

  • SW corner of the map, SW corner of the room with the 3 futons.
  • SW corner of the map, stand in the north-most doorway of the futon room and move 2 steps up.
  • SE in the sand pit, 2 steps east of the tree in the pit.
  • Main room - Nazuna the instructor is standing on it. You'll have to teleport her away.
  • Above the main room, 1 step down from the carnations.
  • NW corner of the map, in the middle of the bridge across the pond.

Devil Cape (2)[]

  • Behind the southeastern beech tree.
  • Northern-most tile of shallow water.

Eirel (8)[]

  • Middle left part of the town, to the lower left of the Dog Cop's house. Head to the scarecrow on the left side of the house, and head straight down. You'll pass over the medal before you reach the magic vendor's house, about halfway.
  • Middle left part of the town, in the previously mentioned area. From the scarecrow above, head left into the tiny field. In the bottom left part of the field there is an open space, and the medal is here.
  • Upper middle part of the town, inside the house with the elder. It is lying on the ground one space north of the fur carpet.
  • Middle of the town, in the blacksmith's shop. There are two anvils in the room, and one space to the north of the left one lies the medal.
  • Middle of the town, slightly to the right. Line yourself up with the City Chart, and head left into the small pond. The medal is in the middle of the water.
  • Middle right part of town, inside the baker's shop and Inn. The medal is near the upper right side of the house, one space below the sofa.
  • Middle right part of town, near the Statue of Creator surrounded by water. The medal is right between the water and the Pub
  • Upper right part of town, in the Pub. The medal is one space to the right of the piano.

Melkawn (11)[]

  • Lower right part of the town, in the Magic Vendor's room. The medal just to the north of the lower pillar.
  • Middle right side of town, in a room with the door very close to the edge of town. The medal is in the upper middle part of the room.
  • Just to the north and a little to the right of the previous medal, in the middle of the street. One space away from the town boundary.
  • Middle part of town, between the informer building and the empty blacksmith building. The medal is in the very bottom of the alley, near the street.
  • Upper right part of town, in the room to the left of the casino building. It is in the lower right part of the room, just below the junk.
  • Upper middle part of town, two spaces north of the quest board.
  • Upper left part of town, just to the one space south and two east of the thief reporter.
  • Middle of town, in the bartender's room. It is just south of the entrance to the goods vendor's part of the room.
  • Lower left part of town, below the baker's room. It can be reached by entering the park to the right and heading down the small path that heads left. Or, just dig through one of the walls surrounding it.
  • Lower middle part of town, south of the fence that surrounds the park. Hug the fence while walking near the border of town, and the medal is about halfway down the length of the park.
  • Lower middle part of town, to the right of the quest board. It is just beyond the food boxes, near the window.

Port Kurualm (6)[]

  • Lower right, down the path to the <Eila>. The medal is on the boarding plank to the ship.
  • Upper right, in the area where the Horse master stands. It is two spaces to the right of the food crates.
  • Lower middle, right outside the bakery near the sign. The medal is on top of the right flowerbed.
  • Lower middle, right near the entrance. A medal is right behind the crates and sacks closest to the left of the entrance.
  • Middle of town, in the warehouse to the left of the bartender's room. It's right in the middle of the room.
  • Middle left part of town, near the stairs. It is right next to the stairs, in front of the grate.

Valm (3)[]

  • In the corner behind the building to the left of the wizard.
  • Above the two things of seafood in the cave with the altar.
  • Between the inn sign and street lamp by the trader.

Melugas (6)[]

  • Upper left part of town. There are two fields in this area. The one that is closer to the north exit has an empty space in the field. The medal is in this space.
  • Heinrich's room, upper left part of town. The medal is one space to the left and one down from his chair.
  • Lower left part of town. There is a building here with a food vendor and a pot. The medal is one space down and one left of this pot.
  • Bottom middle part of town. Go into area between the bottom gate and the arena master's room. The medal is right against the bottom wall, one step away from the right side of the gatehouse.
  • Upper right part of town, in the house with the shopkeepers. The medal is in the right part of the house, in the smaller room. It is one space to the left of the well kept armor in the lower right corner.
  • Upper right part of town, in the Doctor's room. It is one space above the furnace.

Arcbelc (7)[]

  • Upper left part of town. There are two piers up here, the medal is located on the lower one, in front of the right side of the boat.
  • Upper left part of town, in front of the fisher's shop.There is a place with mats set up south of the shop. The medal is in the top middle tile of these mats.
  • Upper middle part of town. In the space between the souvenir vendor and the building, The medal is 2 spaces south of the tree, right in the corner.
  • Upper right part of town, in the building with the casino sign. There are 3 dartboards in here, and the medal is one pace south of the middle one.
  • Middle left part of town. In the large inn that has 2 hot springs, the medal is in the upper right corner of the right hot spring.
  • Middle part of town. Right in between the two inns, Beside the road, next to the right inn is a street lamp. The medal is one space north of the lamp.
  • Lower left part of town. Right near the well, one space to the right.

Ludus (7)[]

  • Upper left part of town, behind the room with the vendors. In the right side of the shop, there is a pick. Two steps to the north of this pick is the medal. You can either dig through the wall, or go around the back to grab it.
  • Upper middle part of the map, in the river. If you line yourself up with the Inn sign in the building to the left of the medal, you can head right from there and run right over it.
  • Middle of town, in the large building. From the front entrance, head left. The medal is in the middle of the hot spring.
  • Middle of town, in the large building. Head into Kuron's room. Directly above him is a neat rack, and the medal is right on top of it.
  • Lower right part of the map. There is an abandoned house down here, and to the left of this house is a blasted field. The easiest way to line it up is to head north from the scarecrow in that field, and stop when you are right above the broken road. The medal is one space to the right of there.
  • Lower right part of the map, same house mentioned right above. The medal is outside the house, below the lower right corner.
  • Lower left part of the map, one step right to the dead tree that is closest to the bottom left corner of the map.

Ruoza (3)[]

  • Small house filled with boxed in the upper right, in the middle of the little path between them.
  • Starting from the top door of the Bamboo Sprout's house, head right until you are even with the door of the house above.
  • Inside the empty room directly north of Leold, in the lower left hand corner.

Maid Mansion (5)[]

  • Lower left part of the map, between the water and the house. 6 spaces up and 6 to the right of the edges.
  • Inside the mansion, in the room with the bathtub. The medal is on the floor one space left of the tub. From the bartender maid, the medal is 4 spaces north and 1 to the left.
  • Middle of the mansion, behind the wall in the middle and between the 2 giant foliage plants. It is 3 spaces to the left of the plant on the right. The easiest way to find this one without landmarks is to leave the mansion and head a space south, then back to the mansion. When you reenter, the medal will be straight north. Just head up until you get the twinkle, either taking out the walls or going around them.
  • Center-right part of the map, in the mansion's kitchen between the barrel and cabinet.
  • Top middle of the map, right outside the door to the adjoining house. The medal is on the ground outside of the house one space to the left of the path. Counting from the side here probably would take too long, so it would be easier to count 9 paces from the top boundary, then head back and forth along that line to see the twinkle.

Chaos Shrine (1)[]

  • Last floor, one step north and one to the east of the stairs.

Machinery Fort (6)[]

  • The first medal is in the 2nd room to the left of the stairs. There are 3 floor tiles in the corners of this room that are different. The corner without the tile is where the medal is.
  • The first room above the lower left corner room has a bunch of servers and computers in it. In the middle of the servers is a "machine" item. The medal is right on top of it.
  • In the room to the upper left, the medal is directly up the path through the middle, about 4 spaces away from the top of the map.
  • In the room to the upper right, similar to the room in the upper left. The medal is on the same middle path, but towards the southern door instead.
  • The room in the lower right has 2 different looking tiles in the lower corners. In the upper left corner of this room is the medal.
  • In the upper right part of Metal Vesda's room. The medal is two spaces right from the right computer.

Rehmido (3)[]

  • 15th floor, to the right of the southeast crates.
  • 15th floor, to the left of the northeast crates.
  • 15th floor, below the southwest pillar.

The Oblivion Palace (4)[]

  • South-western dormitory (middle room out of the 3 with bunk beds), in the south-west corner.
  • Western waterways, 1 right of the dead fish.
  • North-eastern waterways, 2 tiles west and 1 south from the western dead fish.
  • North-eastern waterways, 1 east of the bridge, in the water.

Ancient Garden (4)[]

  • Extreme south-west corner of the map.
  • Bottom middle of the map, left of an animal bone.
  • Eastern-most tile in the eastern-most puddle of shallow water, 1 tile to the right of the broken pillar.
  • North-west corner of the map, behind the two rooms. Mining through the back wall of either room is needed to get to it. 2 tiles west of a large bookshelf.

the Mountain foot Ruin (2)[]

  • Bottom right, to the left of a shelter on top of the bone fragment.
  • North-eastern-most tile of water.

the Gravity valley (2)[]

  • 2 medals in the two recesses in the north-western corner of the map.

the Melka forest (2)[]

  • Top right of the boss, 1 north and 2 east of an animal bone.
  • Bottom left, 1 tile north of the fruit tree.

Forts of Chaos <Hell>, <Destruction>, and <Weapons> (5 each)[]

  • All three Forts of Chaos in South Tyris have small medals hidden at the very end of the passage, in the wide room where each of the three respective bosses awaits.
    • One step south of the right bejeweled chest.
    • Two steps east of the center pentagram.
    • Three steps north, four steps west of the center pentagram.
    • Seven steps east, one step south of the center pentagram.
    • Six steps west, two steps south of the center pentagram.

Ulm-Leson (4)[]

  • West side of the map, on top of one of the graves.
  • West of the southern entrance, next to the south wall.
  • North-east part of the map, to the left of the building entrance.
  • North part of the map near the altar. The medal is just down the stairs on the right side, on top of a pillar.

Shrine of Guardian (2)[]

  • On top of the south-eastern campfire.
  • Near the northern exit, 1 south and 1 east of the northwestern grate.

Cradle of Chaos (6)[]

  • 7F (Hall of Evil): 2 south, 3 east of stairs up.
  • 7F (Hall of Evil): north-western corner of the map.
  • 7F (Hall of Evil): eastern edge of the map. Go east all the way from the stairs up.
  • 25F: bottom right corner of the map.
  • 25F: middle part of the map. Line yourself to the middle between the two torches and go one step up.
  • 25F: upper left part of the map. Start from the left torch, go two steps down and two steps left.

Ol-dran (6)[]

(View Locations)

  • South-west, in the small patch of grass with the 6 trees. On top of the lower right ash tree.
  • South-west, in the long strip of flowery grass. Top right.
  • South-east, in Karavika's concert hall. On the 7th seat from the bottom, back row.
  • Middle of the map, on top of the crossroad sign south of the voting box.
  • North-east, in the room with the eastern beds and tatami mats. Bottom right corner of the room on top of the open pot.
  • North-west, in the barracks behind Urcaguary. On top of the giant bed that's first from the left, second from the top. Press 's' to search as enter or spacebar will prompt you to use the bed.

Dock (5)[]

  • Top left of Dock, one step down from a chip.
  • Middle of Dock, on the left patch of honey comb-patterned tiles, 2 steps NE of the laser gun.
  • Bottom right of Albedrion, on the same tile as a lamp.
  • Middle right of Albedrion, in top right corner of right moongate room.
  • Top right of Albedrion, on the same tile as a lamp.

Sacred Library of Irva (4)[]

  • Lower right part of the map right on the fruit tree.
  • Upper middle part of the map behind the the lamp and pillar on the right side.
  • Upper left-center part of the map. Top left corner of the 2nd library corridor.
  • Lower left part of the map. 3 steps south of the fountain.

Eulderna blimp (3)[]

  • Upper left, on the blimp, in the control room, in the upper right corner of the room.
  • Upper right, on the blimp, in the lower of the three rooms, in the lower right corner of the room.
  • Just outside the lower right pub, on the right side of the entrance.

Rust Plaza (4)[]

  • Behind the water grating on the far left side of the map.
  • Very bottom left of the map near the pick.
  • Above the breadsticks at the Food Vendor.
  • Top left of the map, to the left of the sign for the Goods Vendor.

Mirage Tower (6)[]

(View First Floor Locations) (View Second Floor Locations)

  • First floor: east side of the tower, 4 steps east from the stairs up.
  • First floor: north-east outside the tower, north-east of the oasis on top of a palm tree.
  • First floor: north-west outside the tower, on top of the giant cactus nearest to the north-west corner of the tower.
  • Second floor: north-east in the jail, on top of a junk.
  • Second floor: middle of the map, on top of the flowerbed on the left.
  • Second floor: west in the water, 3 west and 2 south from the inner tube.

Harvest Ship (2)[]

  • First floor: center of the map, in the center of the 5x5 room.
  • First floor: south-east, on top of the tile with the blue pattern on it.

Dragon's Volcano (7)[]

  • 1F, north. Middle of the path that runs west to east, in an outcrop north of the large magma pool in the middle of the map.
  • 1F, east. On the northern ledge of the eastern-most magma pool.
  • 1F, somewhat south of the map center. West from the stairs down, in the outcrop east of the large magma pool, on top of a skeleton.
  • 2F, north and center, on the north edge of the path across the magma that isn't bordered by walls.
  • 2F, south-west. Take the south-west path out of the large room with skeletons and animal bones. On a mossy tile before the dead end.
  • 2F, south. In a small recess in a wall between the large room filled with skeletons and animal bones and the western path out of it.
  • 2F, north-west. On top of a bone fragment just before the boss area.

Old War Ground (3)[]

  • 4 tiles north, 4 tiles west of the statue ornamented with plants to the left of the southern exit.
  • 3 tiles to the east of the upper right statue of holy cross.
  • 3 tiles north, 2 tiles east of the north-western gorgeous candlestick.

Irma and Thalia's Workshop (2)[]

  • On the left. 6 steps south of the brand new grave.
  • In the wooden hut with two beds, on the variety of clothes.

Near the ruins (2)[]

(This is Revenge mountain level 40's second part, also available in Ruoza, but accessible only in Act III.)

  • 8 steps north, 1 step east from the staircase.
  • On top of the animal bone near the boss.

**** (3)[]

  • Behind the moon gate.
  • 11 north, 5 east of the moon gate.
  • 6 west, 2 north from the southeast corner of the map.


Small medal uses sprite number 165.

Elona Mobile[]

In Mobile, there are no static Small Medals to be found. You can get Small Medals from chests in dungeons (Luck stat may effect chances), from completing Kingdom Bounty and Event rewards.

You can still spend Small Medals at Miral and Garok's Workshop, but the list of items for sale has changed slightly.
