Elona Wiki
Elona Wiki

Skills and skill potential are inherited from both race and class. Skills can be learned or improved at a trainer for platinum coins and more rarely from wishing, or a scroll of gain attribute. Skills are governed by nine attributes: Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Learning, Magic, Perception, Strength, Will, and Speed.

Rate of Learning[]

The learning rate (potential) decreases as you level the skill.

When learning skills using points on your character sheet, you gain experience equal to approximately (potential/1000) * 25 / ((skill level rounded down) + 6). This is accurate to within about 0.02 at worst, for a range of characters of different levels and stats (it cannot be correct, however, as for instance training a skill at 4.000, 120% always gives exactly 4.300, with both learning 2 and 5, and on a range of skills, meaning the gain is presumably deterministic). You then get the equivalent of one unit of training from a trainer in the skill (see Platinum coins).

Potential also affects how quickly you learn a skill via doing, and by reading out of textbooks.

Your potential in the skill drops every time you reach a new skill level, by the (current potential) / 10, rounded up, so 337->303, 307->276 for instance.

Based on these rules, starting from a level 4 skill with 120% potential (most starting skills are like this; new skills start at 1 with 50% potential). Since it only costs a few platinum coins to train new ones, it is advised that you train it via platinum coins, and leave the points from leveling up to invest in skills that are more expensive to train. Rough points investment for various levels, assuming you don't use PP and don't level the skill manually, is:

Level Points Points to next Potential after leveling
10 21 4 154%
15 43 4 167%
20 68 6 171%
30 134 7 183%
40 217 9 189%
50 317 11 196%
60 432 13 203%
70 560 13 220%
80 695 13 235%
90 837 15 247%
100 987 15 261%
150 1836 18 320%
200 2828 21 371%
See Platinum coins for a list of costs in PP if you level without points and use a

List of Skills[]

Icon-strength Strength[]

Icon-constitution Constitution[]

Icon-dexterity Dexterity[]

Icon-perception Perception[]

Icon-learning Learning[]

Icon-will Will[]

Icon-magic Magic[]

Icon-charisma Charisma[]

Icon-speed Speed[]

Changes in Elona+[]

Skill tickets can be used to learn new skills.

When skill levels are greater than 300, the exp calculation will use 300 as their values.

Changes in Omake Overhaul[]

In Omake overhaul, skills gain even more experience on more difficult uses.

Bonus to Experience gain
Skill Condition
Evasion/Greater Evasion Massively increased experience gain when attacker's attack skill is higher than the defender's evade skill.
Weight Lifting Further increases experience gain the more severe player's burden status is.
Literacy Increased experience gain when reading more difficult spellbooks.
Gene Engineering Increased experience gain when high leveled character is sacrificed for gene engineering.

However, this change does not apply to splitting creatures.

Lock Picking Increased experience gain when attempting locked doors and chests of high difficulty.
Dual Wield Massively increased experience gain when defender's evade skill is higher than the attacker's dual wield skill.
Two Hand Massively increased experience gain when defender's evade skill is higher than the attacker's two hand skill.
Riding Massively increased experience gain when defender's evade skill is higher than the attacker's riding skill.
Eye of Mind/Tactics/Marksman Massively increased experience gain when defender's PV and damage is higher.

Increased experience gain when rarer materials are consumed in process.

Fishing Increased experience gain when higher rank fish are fished.

This change does not apply to fished out junk items.

Weapon skills Long Sword/Short Sword/Axe/Blunt/Polearm/Stave/Martial Arts/Scythe/Bow/Crossbow/Firearm/Throwing

Massively increased experience gain when defender's evade skill is higher than the attacker's weapon skill.

Shield Massively increased experience gain when receiving more damage.
Light/Medium/Heavy Armor Massively increased experience gain when receiving more damage.

These skills also slightly gains experience over time.

Changes in Elona Mobile[]

See the Elona Mobile skills page.
