Elona Wiki
534-BlackCatFemale(GodHeart) P75-Sinaha
Level 250 Female God Predator
Str: 1054(Hopeless) Con: 1183(Hopeless) Dex: 1054(Hopeless)
Per: 904(Hopeless) Lea: 904(Hopeless) Wil: 904(Hopeless)
Mag: 904(Hopeless) Cha: 904(Hopeless)
Life: 200 Mana: 100 Speed: 960
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 305 (2%)
Two Hand: 174 (1%)
Healing: 281 (2%)
Shield: 159 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 167 (1%)
Medium Armor: 167 (1%)
Dual Wield: 191 (1%)
Light Armor: 167 (1%)
Evasion: 273 (2%)
Stealth: 273 (2%)
Sense Quality: 159 (1%)
Detection: 174 (1%)
Eye of Mind: 271 (2%)
Greater Evasion: 159 (1%)
Anatomy: 174 (1%)
Gardening: 167 (1%)
Faith: 167 (1%)
Meditation: 167 (1%)
Casting: 182 (1%)

Long Sword: 167 (1%)
Axe: 167 (1%)
Martial Arts: 296 (2%)
Scythe: 167 (1%)
Blunt: 167 (1%)
Polearm: 167 (1%)
Stave: 167 (1%)
Short Sword: 167 (1%)
Bow: 305 (2%)
Crossbow: 167 (1%)
Throwing: 281 (2%)
Firearm: 313 (2%)


Fire: Superb
Cold: No Resist
Lightning: No Resist
Darkness: No Resist
Mind: No Resist
Poison: No Resist

Nether: No Resist
Sound: No Resist
Nerve: No Resist
Chaos: No Resist
Magic: No Resist

AI Routine
Reaction to Player: Friendly
Preferred Distance: 2
Movement Chance: 20%
When Below 25% HP: Uncontroll
Basic Secondary (20%)
Draw Shadow Browbeat
Shadow Step (x2) Divine Stream
Ranged Attack (x2) Regeneration

<Sinaha> is an Elona+ exclusive unique NPC of the God race, who resides at the oasis in the upper right part of the Mirage Tower. She carries the <Gur Bagh Nakh>, a unique shield-functioning claw that doesn't drop upon her death, so it can be obtained only from pet inventory.

Like all non-pantheon gods, <Sinaha> could put up a challenging but manageable fight. She starts out with ranged panty-attacks, but gets into melee range quickly with Shadow Step and Draw Shadow. Her unique item boosts her already formidable stats in strength, martial arts, and evasion, plus it gives her a significant chance for an extra melee attack.

<Sinaha> occasionally casts Regeneration, but this action is not dependent on her health. She occasionally uses Browbeat and Divine Stream. Her attacks have a 1/66 chance of inflicting the Unlucky hex, decreasing your Luck by 666. This is accompanied by the flavor text "You feel very unlucky today...", and lasts for 6666 turns.

<Sinaha> has an innate ability to float, and has a natural immunity to Fear.

<Sinaha> as a pet is subject to the god recruiting penalty, but she keeps her unique abilities and shield.

Luck reading[]

By asking Sinaha to "please read my misfortune", you can get a better idea of what this usually unreadable stat is. The value she gives you is 100 - (your luck), so the lower the number, the higher your luck is. Luck higher than 100 will show up as a negative number.


<Sinaha> cannot be evolved.



  • cardsina creates a card of <Sinaha>.
  • figuresina creates a figurine of <Sinaha>.


The sprite number for <Sinaha> is 534. Her portrait number is 75
