Elona Wiki
sin gorilla
Sin gorilla
Level 155 Largeanimal Archer
Str: 367(Hopeless) Con: 224(Hopeless) Dex: 213(Hopeless)
Per: 351(Hopeless) Lea: 116(Hopeless) Wil: 117(Hopeless)
Mag: 109(Hopeless) Cha: 117(Hopeless)
Life: 160 Mana: 60 Speed: 410
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Healing: 367 (2%)
Shield: 99 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 104 (1%)
Medium Armor: 170 (2%)
Light Armor: 104 (1%)
Evasion: 180 (2%)
Tailoring: 104 (1%)
Disarm Trap: 94 (1%)
Stealth: 104 (1%)
Sense Quality: 94 (1%)
Marksman: 99 (1%)
Anatomy: 99 (1%)
Faith: 104 (1%)
Riding: 104 (1%)
Meditation: 104 (1%)
Magic Device: 99 (1%)

Long Sword: 104 (1%)
Axe: 170 (2%)
Martial Arts: 170 (2%)
Scythe: 104 (1%)
Blunt: 104 (1%)
Polearm: 104 (1%)
Stave: 104 (1%)
Short Sword: 175 (2%)
Bow: 180 (2%)
Crossbow: 180 (2%)
Throwing: 104 (1%)
Firearm: 104 (1%)


Fire: Little (31% damage taken)
Cold: Little (31% damage taken)
Lightning: Little (31% damage taken)
Darkness: Little (31% damage taken)
Mind: Little (31% damage taken)
Poison: Little (31% damage taken)

Nether: Little (31% damage taken)
Sound: Little (31% damage taken)
Nerve: Little (31% damage taken)
Chaos: Little (31% damage taken)
Magic: Weak (55% damage taken)

Sin gorilla is a hostile NPC exclusive to Elona+, they posses the MP Breath, Power Breath, Fire Breath and Homing Lazer special actions.

Each Breath has a 20% chance to be used, and Homing lazer is at 40%. Essentially, it will always use an AoE spact, which makes it an interesting ally. Homing lazer in particular works well and there isn't anything else with more than a 40% chance to use it. Just don't bring it to your farms (unless, of course, they have Magatama in their inventory).

Sin gorilla are innately immune to blindness and fear. All their resistances are NPC level resistance bonuses and will be lost on recruitment.

Their corpses are extremely heavy (100.0s).


The sin gorilla cannot be evolved.



(If spawned at base level)

HP 9,664/9,674 (enemy/pet)
MP 1,750
INI 1,964/410

Flavor Text[]

The sin gorilla has only Idle flavor text, this text are missing in-game in the unmodded English version.


The sprite number for the sin gorilla is 934 (Row 30, Column 11). Because it has a large sprite, any replacement must be 48x96.


Card A giant gorilla with a natural nuclear generator in its body. It was created and sealed in the biochemical civilization. They go to the limit of destruction to vent their overflowing energy.