Elona Wiki
sand worm
C645-sand worm
Level 49 Worm Predator
Str: 88(Hopeless) Con: 110(Hopeless) Dex: 120(Hopeless)
Per: 53(Hopeless) Lea: 38(Hopeless) Wil: 35(Hopeless)
Mag: 35(Hopeless) Cha: 35(Hopeless)
Life: 90 Mana: 80 Speed: 157
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 35 (1%)
Healing: 60 (2%)
Mining: 58 (2%)
Shield: 33 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 35 (1%)
Medium Armor: 35 (1%)
Light Armor: 35 (1%)
Evasion: 35 (1%)
Stealth: 58 (2%)
Sense Quality: 33 (1%)
Detection: 38 (1%)
Eye of Mind: 60 (2%)
Anatomy: 38 (1%)
Faith: 35 (1%)
Meditation: 35 (1%)

Long Sword: 35 (1%)
Axe: 35 (1%)
Martial Arts: 54 (2%)
Scythe: 35 (1%)
Blunt: 35 (1%)
Polearm: 35 (1%)
Stave: 35 (1%)
Short Sword: 35 (1%)
Bow: 35 (1%)
Crossbow: 35 (1%)
Throwing: 60 (2%)
Firearm: 35 (1%)


Fire: Weak (66% damage taken)
Cold: Weak (66% damage taken)
Lightning: Weak (66% damage taken)
Darkness: Weak (66% damage taken)
Mind: Weak (66% damage taken)
Poison: Weak (66% damage taken)

Nether: Weak (66% damage taken)
Sound: Weak (66% damage taken)
Nerve: Weak (66% damage taken)
Chaos: Weak (66% damage taken)
Magic: Weak (133% damage taken)

AI Routine
Reaction to Player: neutral
Preferred Distance: 1
Movement Chance: 5%
When Below 25% HP: No Action
Basic Secondary (0%)
Shadow Step (x2) none
id -3 (x2)

Sand worm is an Elona+ exclusive neutral NPC, found mainly in the Mirage Tower, in the desert of Lost Irva. Despite its formidable appearance, until recently it was a very basic character with no particular abilities other than movement with Shadow Step.

They use the Diving Drill with 20% chance while not afflicted with immobility, bleeding, poisoned, or suffocating. They enter an untargetable auto-turn for 10 turns and deals massive PV/DV damage to its target when auto-turn ends.

Please note that as a pet, in addition to the conditions stated above, it is also unable to use Diving Drill when currently being ridden, or is the right-side of a tag team.

Their corpses are extremely heavy (100.0s).


Sand worm cannot be evolved.



(If spawned at base level)

HP 755/765 (enemy/pet)
MP 254
INI 734/157


  • cardsand creates a card of sand worm.
  • figuresand creates a figurine of sand worm.


The sprite number for the sand worm is 645 (Row 21, Column 19). It has a large sprite, so any replacement must be 48x96.


Card They are mainly sand bugs that live in sandy areas but they can get lost while burrowing on the ground and show their faces in out-of-place places. They move quickly for their size diving into a hole in an instant and coming out of it in an instant.