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Potions are bottles of liquid that can confer varieties of effects if they are drunk (quaffed), thrown, or Blended and applied to weapons, tools, or other objects. Liquids with mundane effects (such as water) or negative effects (such as poison) are also considered potions.

Being affected by a potion, whether through drinking, being hit by one, or simply walking into its puddle, helps quench thirst and very mildly sates hunger. If a character would transition to, or is already at, the Bloated hunger status, when affected by a potion, that character might vomit from "overeating". Incidentally, vomit is also considered a potion.

Hitting an NPC with a potion or letting them step into the puddle of a thrown potion is always considered a hostile act, even if it's a potion of Cure Minor Wound or some other beneficial effect (throwing milk at a ranch animal is a new exception in Elona+ 1.89). If an invisible target is hit with a thrown potion or steps into a puddle, they will become temporarily visible. Any target made Wet from a thrown potion, including yourself, will not be affected by fire damage (though items in your inventory can still be destroyed by the fire).

In Elona+ 2.19R the potency of potions (potions such as Hermes blood and a potion of potential are understandable exceptions) now depends on the user's Alchemy skill level and the character level. (If the potion was thrown, it depends on the throwing character's skill level instead of Alchemy skill). Their potency is now also increased by the "enhances your spells" equipment attribute as well as the Magic attribute. It will also no longer give the user Magic Device skill experience; instead it will now give more Alchemy skill experience. Whenever HP is healed, the guard break gauge will now increase by an amount dependent on how much HP got healed relative to maximum HP (up to +40% guard break gauge for restoring 100% health; no higher than 99%).

Types of Potions[]

Acidproof Liquid[]

  • Drink: Deals acid damage. May damage or destroy non-acidproof gear.
  • Throw: Deals acid damage.
  • Puddle: Deals acid damage. Leaves a pool of acid that damages those that step in it.
  • Dip: The dipped item becomes acidproof.
    • Dip, Blessed: Makes entire stack of dipped items acidproof.
    • Dip, Cursed: Weakens the dipped item. Does not make it acidproof. This can actually be useful: a weapon with a large negative enhancement will deal very little damage, making the weapon safe to use for capturing creatures with monster balls or grinding the associated weapon skill on enemies without killing them.

Beer/Booze/Crim Ale/Whiskey[]

Always appears as a "bottle of clear liquid". NPCs, especially hostile monsters, tend to drink these beverages immediately when given.

  • Drink: Can become Drunk, which affects a character similarly to the Confused status and induces vomiting, which in turn can increase hunger greatly and purge alien children. Non-unique drunk NPCs have an option to "have a little tail".
    • Drink, Blessed: Drunk duration increases significantly.
    • Drink, Cursed: Always induces vomiting and dimness. Drunk duration decreases significantly.
  • Throw: Works just like when this potion is drunk.
  • Puddle: Works just like when this potion is drunk.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: Blinds the imbiber, unless immune to blindness.
  • Throw: Blinds the target, with a chance to be resisted. Rarely works against high-level enemies.
    • Drink/Throw, Blessed: Effect duration increased by 1 to 15 more turns.
    • Drink/Throw, Cursed: Effect duration becomes only 1 to 2 turns.
  • Puddle: Unknown.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
Blue capsule drag Blue capsule drag

Blue capsule drag[]

  • Drink: Greatly restores stamina to the imbiber.
  • Throw: Greatly restores stamina to the target.
  • Puddle: Greatly restores stamina to the character that steps in it.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Special: You can give three of these to the Kaneda Bike at the Festival of Jure in Noyel to get it to join your party.

Elona+ changes:[]

While still rare, blue capsule drags can now be found by killing the enemies listed here. The best way to load up on blue capsule drags is to fight Rogue Bosses. Since every one of his henchmen is a thief-type, it makes it easier to obtain; so load up on cargo to increase you chance to encounter him on the world map.


  • Drink: Causes Confusion to the imbiber.
  • Throw: Causes Confusion to the target.
  • Puddle: Causes Confusion to the character that steps in it.
    • Drink/Throw/Puddle, Blessed: Effect lasts longer, but are highly random.
    • Drink/Throw/Puddle, Cursed: Effect length greatly reduced.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Cure Critical Wound[]

  • Drink: Heals a moderate amount of HP for lower level characters. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects. If blessed, also cures sick.
  • Throw: Heals whatever it collides with. Still treated as a hostile act. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects.
  • Puddle: Heals whatever steps into it. Note that neutral NPCs will still see it as a hostile act.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Cure Major Wound[]

  • Drink: Heals a small amount of HP. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects. If blessed, also cures sick.
  • Throw: Heals whatever it collides with. Still treated as a hostile act. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects.
  • Puddle: Heals whatever steps into it. Note that neutral NPCs will still see it as a hostile act.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Cure Minor Wound[]

  • Drink: Heals 10-20 HP. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects. If blessed, also cures sick.
  • Throw: Heals whatever it hits for 10-20 HP. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects.
  • Puddle: Heals anything that steps in it for a small amount of HP.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Cure Mutation[]

  • Drink: Rids you of 2-4 positive or negative mutations. If you are not mutated, does nothing. "You return to your self.". This potion has no effect if you are protected from mutations. (The mutations are removed by giving you a new mutation with stats opposite of your current one. They then cancel one another out.)
  • Throw: Does nothing, unless an enemy hits you with one, in which case it has the same effect as if it is drunk.
  • Puddle: Same as when thrown.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Cursed: Gains a mutation.

Omake Overhaul[]

  • Blessed: Cures 2 to 3 negative mutations

Cure Corruption[]

  • Drink: Rids you of the two most recent symptoms of Ether Disease. When blessed, it cures you of the three most recent symptoms. A cursed one will make the disease worse. No effect on NPCs.
  • Throw: If you target yourself, will act as if you drank it. If you hit an enemy, does nothing (untested against ether-specific enemies, such as Shining Hedgehogs or ether wisps). Potion-throwing enemies will never throw these at you.
  • Puddle: If the Player walks over it, functions as Drink. If an NPC, no effect.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: Enhances defense for a short time.
  • Throw: Enhances targets defense for a short time.
  • Puddle: Same as throw.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: You lose one level and all EXP pertaining to that level. You cannot gain an extra feat by leveling up again, but you will gain more skill points. If blessed, gain a level instead. Cursed potions also reduce your stats. Has no effect on level if the drinker is level 1.
  • Throw: Decreases the target's level by one.
  • Puddle: Same effect as drank, i.e. raise level if the potion that made the puddle was blessed, decrease stats if cursed.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Dirty Water[]

  • Drink: Tastes horrible, can make you sick and has a chance of making you pregnant
  • Throw: Does nothing (the target drinks the water).
  • Puddle: Gets whatever steps in it wet and might make it sick.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: Poisons you. If already poisoned, makes you Poisoned Bad!, causing you to take more damage per turn.
  • Throw: Poisons anything it hits, with some exceptions (bosses). If they are poisoned already, causes them to be Poisoned Bad!, taking more damage per turn.
  • Puddle: Poisons anything that steps on it. If they are already poisoned, makes them Poisoned Bad!, causing them to take more damage per turn.
  • Dip: Changes the item's color to match that of the dye. If the dye is blessed, the entire stack it's used on will be dyed.
  • Special: Will remove alien parasites from NPCs, you, and your pets.

Empty Bottle[]

  • Drink: Nothing happens.
  • Throw: Nothing happens.
  • Puddle: Nothing happens.
  • Dip: Nothing for items. If dipped into a well, it turns the empty bottle into a random potion (even another Empty Bottle). If dipped into an empty well, the bottle is lost. If dipped into a holy well, it becomes a blessed Bottle of Water. Cursed Empty Bottles cause the fountain or holy well to dry up immediately. If blessed, it won't guarantee to become a blessed potion.


  • Drink: Gain 2-4 positive mutations. Blessed greatly increases the chance of gaining 4 mutations. Cursed potions give 2-4 negative mutations. NPCs that drink a potion of evolution may turn into another creature. Named NPCs cannot be changed.
  • Throw: Same as when drunk.
  • Puddle: Same as when drunk.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Fireproof Liquid[]

  • Drink: Does acid damage, possibly may damage/destroy non-acidproof gear.
  • Throw: Does acid damage.
  • Puddle: Does acid damage to the thing that walks on it.
  • Dip: Makes one item fireproof. If cursed, rusts one item, subtracting one from its enchantment rating, and does not make it fireproof. If blessed, makes entire stack of items fireproof.


  • Drink: Heals a fair amount of HP. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects. If blessed, also cures sick.
  • Throw: Heals whatever it collides with. Still treated as a hostile act. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects.
  • Puddle: Heals whatever steps into it. Note that NPCs will still see it as a hostile act.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: Heals a good amount of HP. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects. If blessed, also cures sick.
  • Throw: Heals whatever it collides with. Still treated as a hostile act. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects.
  • Puddle: Heals whatever steps into it. Note that neutral NPCs will still see it as a hostile act.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Healer (Eris)[]

  • Drink: Heals the greatest amount of HP among all the healing potions. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects. If blessed can cure sick.
  • Throw: Heals whatever it collides with. Still treated as a hostile act. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects.
  • Puddle: Heals whatever steps into it. Note that neutral NPCs will still see it as a hostile act.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Healer (Jure)[]

  • Drink: Heals the most amount of HP. Cures all status conditions.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Healer (Odina)[]

  • Drink: Heals a great amount of HP. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects. If blessed, also cures sick.
  • Throw: Heals whatever it collides with. Still treated as a hostile act. Cures confused, dim, poison, bleeding, and fear status effects.
  • Puddle: Heals whatever steps into it. Note that neutral NPCs will still see it as a hostile act.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Hermes Blood[]

  • Drink: First time: Permanently increases your speed by 2 points, 4 if blessed. Second time and subsequent: Increases speed by fewer points. This is because speed is a statistic and has its own potential, which degrades as you gain points in it from this potion. Wishing for "skillspeed" restores some of speed's potential as well as increasing it by 1; if you wish for "skillspeed" several times before drinking another of these potions, you will gain more speed upon quaff (up to 2 with a blessed potion, in author's experience). Blessing the potion also seems to cap the lower limit of speed's effective potential to about 66%, or a 2/3 chance to gain 1 speed point per quaff without wishes. Note that potions of hermes blood are precious and cannot be wished for outside of wizard mode.
    • In Elona+ the effect has been changed to increase speed by 4 if uncursed or 8 if blessed, regardless of your potential. It will increase pet speed by 15 if uncursed or 20 if blessed. (Additionally, in Elona+ hermes' blood is a precious item, and therefore cannot be wished for.)
  • Throw: Increases target's speed by 2 or 4, then fewer.
  • Puddle: Same as throw.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: You gain 20-30 strength (more if blessed) for around 50 turns. Cures confused and fear status effects.
  • Throw: Target gains 20-30 strength for around 50 turns.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink/Throw.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Love Potion[]

  • Drink: You get dimmed for several turns.
  • Throw: Target gets dimmed for several turns. If the target is a non-hostile, their relationship to you increases by an amount which depends on their current relationship level. If it is cursed, their relationship with the PC degrades.
  • Puddle: Dims anything that walks on it. If target is a non-hostile, their relationship to you increases by an amount which depends on their current relationship level.
  • Dip: If food is dipped, turns that food into an aphrodisiac. Non-hostile targets eating that food will have their relationship increase more than throwing or having someone walk on the puddle but it still depends on their current relationship level. You will, however, lose 10 karma for having them eat your drugged food.
  • Special:
    • If an NPC drinks a love potion, there is a chance an egg of/bottle of milk of <NPC> will be generated.
      • Also, simply giving the potion to an NPC will cause your relationship with him/her/it to drop spectacularly. DO NOT use on adventurers....this acts as an attack! Though it is possible to make a puddle and hope the adventurer walks into it.
    • When used in Party Time! quests, love potions give the target NPC "satisfied" status, as if they have been pleased by your musical performance.


  • Drink: Satisfies your appetite a little, even while Satisfied or more. Blessed milk makes you grow taller, while cursed milk causes vomiting and makes you grow shorter. Displays message, "The taste is very thick, almost addictive." If it is cursed, it instead displays message "Geee[sic] it's cursed! The taste is very dangerous."
  • Throw: Satisfies the target's appetite a little, gets target wet.
  • Puddle: Satisfies the appetite of the thing that walks into the puddle, gets target wet.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Molotov Cocktail[]

  • Drink: Does fire damage to you. May destroy flammable items. Note that if given to a pet or NPC who drinks it after, the resulting firestorm won't reduce your karma or function as an attack. Can cheat to get equipment in towns this way.
  • Throw: Creates a field of fire on the square it lands on. Lasts longer if blessed than if normal or cursed. The fire field does damage to anything that stands on it and destroys flammable items they are wearing.
  • Puddle: (see Throw)
  • Dip: Damages non-fireproof items.


  • Drink: Gain a mutation. Cursed potions always add negative mutations. NPCs that drink a potion of mutation may turn into another creature. Named NPCs cannot be changed.
  • Throw: Same as when drunk.
  • Puddle: Same as when drunk.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: You are paralyzed.
  • Throw: Target is paralyzed.
  • Puddle: Paralyzes.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: Poisons you.
  • Throw: Poisons target.
  • Puddle: Poisons anything which steps in it
  • Dip: If combined with food, creates poisoned food. If combined with weapons, it makes your weapons poison on hit, however, this will cause a karma hit each time it's used on NPCs.
  • Special: Will remove alien parasites from NPCs, you, and your pets.


  • Drink: Raises the potential of one attribute by 5 to 75. If blessed, it will increase the potential of every attribute by 1 to 8. When cursed, it decreases the potential of one attribute. In Elona+, blessed potions of potential have been buffed to increase the potential of every attribute except for speed and luck, by 100%.
  • Throw: Raises the potential of one attribute for the target.
  • Puddle: Same as throw.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: Grants resistance to the elements.
  • Throw: Grants target resistance to the elements.
  • Puddle: Grants the same resistance.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Restore Body[]

  • Drink: Restores your Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, and Speed. If blessed, it will also increase these attributes by 5 + 10% of base, which lasts until death. Only blessed potion can restore stats which were enhanced and then weakened. The boost also seems to apply when given to pets, though the increase won't show up on in their character sheet when investigating them via an informer. In Elona+, for characters with increased character quality, this increase becomes 20% of base if it is higher than 5 + 10% of base. If cursed, reduces stats by the same amounts.
  • Throw: Restores the target's Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, and Speed.
  • Puddle: Restores Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, and Speed.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Restore Spirit[]

  • Drink:Restores your Magic, Learning, Will, Perception, and Luck. If blessed, it will also increase these attributes by 5 + 10% of base, which lasts until death. Only blessed potion can restore stats which were enhanced and then weakened. The boost also seems to apply when given to pets, though the increase won't show up on in their character sheet when investigating them via an informer. If cursed, reduces stats by the same amounts.
  • In Elona+, for characters with increased character quality, this increase becomes 20% of base if it is higher than 5 + 10% of base.
  • Throw: Restores the target's Magic, Learning, Will, Perception, and Luck.
  • Puddle: Restores Magic, Learning, Will, Perception, and Luck.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Solution of Salt[]

  • Drink: No particular effects ("Salty!") unless you are a snail, in which case you take massive damage. ("It's salt! You start to melt.")
  • Throw: Target gets wet. Snails will take massive damage.
  • Puddle: Same as above.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


You can use a Pot of Fusion to combine this with a Wood Piece and a rod of fire wall to get a potion of water.


  • Drink: Same as getting hit by the spell Mist of Silence, which prevents you from casting spells. Can be resisted just like the hex.
  • Throw: Same as above, but for the target.
  • Puddle: Same as above.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Sleeping Drug[]

  • Drink: Puts you to sleep.
  • Throw: Target falls asleep.
  • Puddle: Same as throw.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: Reduces your Speed for a short time. Hex may be resisted. Reduces Age if blessed. Increases Weight if cursed.
  • Throw: Reduces target's speed.
  • Puddle: Reduces the speed of the thing that walks into the puddle.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: Restores about 25 Stamina. Can be bought from street vendors during the Noyel festival.
  • Throw: Restores the target's stamina.
  • Puddle: Unknown.
  • Dip: Unknown.


  • Drink: Your speed increases greatly for 10 turns (20 if blessed)(increase age if cursed).
  • Throw: Target's speed increases greatly for 10 turns (20 if blessed).
  • Puddle: Same as Drink/Throw.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Sulfuric Acid[]

Always appears as "bottle of clear liquid", similarly to booze.

  • Drink: Does acid damage to you. May destroy or damage non-acidproof gear. Useful for destroying alien babies.
  • Throw: Does acid damage to whatever it hits. May destroy or damage their gear. Does not make target wet.
    • Deals 7 damage when blessed, 10 damage when uncursed, 20 damage when cursed, without variation, regardless of monster type, cannot be influenced by any stat/skill/resistance.
    • Deals 0 damage to metals and quicklings when uncursed or blessed, deals 1 damage when cursed.
  • Puddle: Does acid damage to anything that steps on it. May destroy or damage non-acidproof gear.
  • Dip: Damages or destroys non-acidproof items.

Troll Blood[]

  • Drink: Enhances regeneration for a short time (26 turns).
  • Throw: Target has enhanced regeneration for a short time.
  • Puddle: Enhances the regeneration of the thing that walks into it for a short time.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Drink: It randomly incurs Sickness, and slightly satisfies hunger. *quaff* Yucky! (quaffing vomit can cause PCs to lose weight). Always causes sickness if cursed. Generally has no effect on NPCS.
  • Throw: Target gets wet. Same as drink.
  • Puddle: Gets whatever steps in it wet. *quaff* Yucky! Walking in it yourself may incur sickness or always cause it if the vomit was cursed.
  • Dip: Can be used to fill wells.
  • Other: Created by both PC and NPC as they get sober or when they eat cursed food, getting hit with a body blow or mind break special action, drinking anything with a very full stomach, and eating anything during anorexia.

There are also vomits of NPCs (e.g. vomit of miner), which have the same effect as PC vomits.


  • Drink: Recover from confusion.
  • Throw: Target gets wet (reveal invisible units).
  • Puddle: Gets whatever steps in it wet. Recover from confusion.
  • Dip:
    • Damages metal items.
    • A blessed bottle of water will bless an item without weakening it, while cursed water curses items.
    • Cannot bless or curse water by dipping blessed/cursed water into normal water, since it counts as dipping water into water.
  • Other: Becomes blessed when dropped on an altar belonging to your god. Player characters that do not worship a god can bless bottles of water by dropping them onto an unaligned altar. Cursed water on the other hand can only be made through using Scrolls of Curse.

Weaken Resistance[]

  • Drink: Attempts to inflict Element scar and Nightmare hexes. Either of them can be resisted.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • If the player is affected by this (via puddle, throw, or drinking), there is a chance of losing intrinsic resistances (resistances from items, feats, or mutations are unaffected). This seems to have been removed in Elona+.


  • Drink: Attempts to inflict Mist of Frailness hex, which temporarily halves PV and DV. It may be resisted.
  • Throw: Same as above.
  • Puddle: Same as above.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.

Types of Potions (Elona+)[]

High potion of agony[]

  • Drink: Will attempt to apply Sleep, Poisoned, Paralyzed, Confused, and Blinded.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Does nothing.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Precious item. Can be crafted with item fusion, and can be thrown by potion-throwing NPCs (Included in the 2nd and 3rd ranks of the Throw Potion special action.). Potency increases proportionally with [danger level of current map] but at about half the rate compared to that of a high potion of disaster.
  • NB: "clear liquid" when unidentified. Japanese term when unidentified translates to "pain-bringing potion".

High potion of aqua sanctio[]

  • Drink: Inflicts a high amount of sound damage. Damage is enhanced by the Magic Device and Alchemy skills. 
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Does nothing.
  • Blessed: Increased max damage.
  • Cursed: Reduced max damage.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Precious item. Requirements for creation are here. Included in the 3rd rank of the Throw Potion special action. Item number 371 (normal potion) with a grey tint.
  • More precisely, the damage dealt (before taking into account of sound resistance) is calculated by taking the product (multiplication) of Magic Device and Alchemy, divided by five (has the lower cap of 100 and upper cap of 400,000). Then, a random number (its magnitude increasing with Magic Device), which can be either positive or negative, is added to this number. This means that Magic Device increases the variation of damage dealt.

Bottle of Antiseptic[]

I879-Bottle of antiseptic
  • Drink: Poisoned Bad! status effect.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Used on a target food item, this results in "incorruptible food", that doesn't rot; however, the nutritional value of the food is cut in half. Items treated this way carry the (Antiseptic) label. Treating already-rotten food will not revert it back to fresh food, but still carries the label.

High potion of calamity[]

  • Drink: Will attempt to apply Element Scar, Nightmare, Mist of Frailness, Slow, and Mist of Silence.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Does nothing.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Precious item. Can be crafted with item fusion, and can be thrown by potion-throwing NPCs (Included in the 1rd and 3rd ranks of the Throw Potion special action.). Potency and length of debuff increase proportionally with [danger level of current map].
  • The number of turns all of these debuffs will last for is set to the debuff that lasts the shortest amount of time (i.e. Mist of Silence).
  • NB: "clear liquid" when unidentified. Japanese term when unidentified translates to "curse-bringing potion".


  • Drink: Activates the concentration blessing: Increases PER, WIL, RES+, sleep, confusion.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Blessed: Increased effect.
  • Cursed: Reduced effect.m
  • Weighs 0.1s. Random color.


  • For more information, see coffee.

High potion of disaster[]

  • Drink: Reduces all basic stats and speed of the target by 10%+5. Unique NPCs, dungeon bosses, and enemies with {} around their name will not have their stats lowered. It also attempts to inflict poison, sleep, paralysis, confusion, and blind status with potency that scales with dungeon level.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Precious item. Requirements for creation are here. Included in the 3rd rank of the Throw Potion special action. Item number 302 (blood of creature) with a grey tint.

Essential oil[]

Essential oil
  • When drunk by or dowsed on a character, causes confusion (of even lower strength than gasoline) and a short-lasting duration of Oil status.
  • Works with Alchemical rain.
  • Rarely randomly generated, but a guaranteed drop from female aroma-locaris.
  • One is spent by the Aromageddon special action.
  • Craftable in pot for fusion.


  • Drink: Activates the feather blessing: Increases DV/float, release from Gravity.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Blessed: Increased effect.
  • Cursed: Reduced effect.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Random color.


  • Drink: Causes the Confused status (of lower strength than a potion of confusion, but higher than an essential oil) and a long-lasting duration of Oil status.
  • Throw: Same as when drunk. Works with Alchemical rain.


  • Drink: Grants Gem Power blessing (Increases CON and CHR temporarily)
  • Throw: Same as when drunk.
  • Puddle: Same as when drunk.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.


  • Made with Juice mixer furniture.
  • Does not rot. Cannot be used for Alchemical rain.
  • Satiates hunger, though not as much as milk. Also like milk, can be drank even whilst Satisfied or more, but may induce vomiting at Satisfied!.
  • Gives the same amount of attribute experience as the raw item. Unlike most other types of food, experience gained is independent of satiation level.
  • Does not matter if the original item was cursed, rotten, or blessed. Enchant level of original item will also not affect the juice.
  • (B)lend juice together to make mix juice. Mix juice can also be made by putting herbed food into the Juice mixer, but this mix juice has no herb effect. There is no merit to doing this.
  • (B)lending juice with milk with give the mix milk item. Mix milk has half the effect on height compared to milk. Blending an entire stack of juice with milk will produce only 1 mix milk at a time.

Kneaded sweets of witch[]

Kneaded sweets of witch

High potion of nektar[]

  • Drink: Heals 80%+200 of the user's maximum health cures anorexia, sets the vomit counter to 0, and makes them drunk for 100-200 turns.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Blessed: No change.
  • Cursed: No change.
  • Weighs 14.0s. Precious item. Requirements for creation are here. Item number 72 (barrel) with a blue tint.

High potion of physical[]

  • Drink: Applies Holy Shield, Regeneration, Speed, and Feather at the same time, but the potency is less than what it would have been if the buffs were individually applied.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Does nothing.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Precious item. Can be crafted with item fusion. Does not spawn randomly.
  • When used while riding, for some reason (bug?) not only Speed is applied to the mount, but also Feather.
  • NB: "clear liquid" when unidentified. Japanese term when unidentified translates to "cutting-edge potion".

Shaved ice[]

Shaved ice
  • (e)aten and not drunk.
  • Craftable with Alchemy. Also sold in Ludus and Noyel during their respective festivals.

High Potion of Soma[]

  • Drink: Increases the 8 main stats, speed and luck of the target by 5 + 1/7 of their base value. For character with increased quality it becomes 20% of base if it is more than 5 + 1/7 of base, the exact same increase blessed restore body and spirit potions give. For this reason it's useful mainly for characters without higher than normal quality (like player character). It's unknown if the stat bonus has a duration or if it never expires, but is removed when you die. Additionally, it will restore exactly 200 points of stamina when it is quaffed, up to your normal maximum, and remove any sleepy status. However, the potion also increases sanity by 50 temporarily, which will make your character insane for a short duration (mind resistance reduces all insanity inflicted on your character, including from drinking soma).
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Blessed: No change.
  • Cursed: No change.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Precious item. Requirements for creation are here. Item number 210 (whisky) with a blue tint.

Speed upper[]

  • Drink: Increases your speed by 1 and sets speed potential back to 400%.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Blessed: No change.
  • Cursed: No change.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Random color. Potion that is bought in the music ticket shop for 8000 tickets or in souvenir shops. They can also rarely drop from minotaur magicians and rogue archers (maybe warriors?).

Mugi Tea[]

  • Message: **quaff** the water is refreshing.
  • Drink: It will train healing skill. (perhaps something else too?)
  • Throw: Same as drink(?)
  • Puddle: Same as drink(?)
  • Dip: (?)
  • Blessed: No change(?) (same heal training)
  • Cursed: No change(?)

Black Tea[]

  • Drink: It will recover 5 sp and (+enhance value + 5)% max MP.
  • Throw: Same as drink(?)
  • Puddle: Same as drink(?)
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Blessed: No change(?)
  • Cursed: No change(?)

Green Tea[]

  • Drink: It will reduce Fear, Poisoned, Confused, Dim, and Paralyzed status ailments by (+enhance value * 2 + 15) and Sick by (+enhance value + 5). It will also slightly reduce body weight by ((+enhance value + 1)% + 1). This is a healthy way of losing weight without puking.
  • Throw: Same as drink.
  • Puddle: Same as drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Blessed: No change(?)
  • Cursed: No change(?)

Vernis Original[]

  • Drink: Cures all status effects that are able to be cured.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Weighs close to 0.0s. Precious item. A potion, despite its appearance. It can be bought from the music ticket shop for 1500 tickets. Its item number is 703.

High Potion of Wisdom[]

High potion of wisdom
  • Drink: Gives you the Hero, Gem Power, Concentration, and Wisdom buffs, each lasting 50 turns.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Blessed: Longer duration.
  • Cursed: Shorter duration.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Crafted with the Pot for Fusion.


  • Drink: Quenches thirst. Makes *quaff* appear in the log.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Added in 1.78.

Encount canceller[]

I879-Encount canceller
  • Drink: Poisons.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Use: Repels ambushes on the world map for 100 steps. Using it again while it's still active resets the number of steps to 100 turns. Does not prevent Rogue boss encounters or assassins from Beauty and the beast from attacking.
  • Weighs 0.1s. Added in 1.80.


  • Drink: Applies Disinfection hex for 3000 turns. Reduces strength of Sick and Poisoned status ailments, with said effect being affected by the cursed/blessed status of the potion. Can also prevent ranch animals from randomly getting sick.
  • Throw: Same as Drink.
  • Puddle: Same as Drink.
  • Dip: Nothing happens.
  • Weighs 2.0s. Added in 1.89. Can be crafted with Pot for fusion.