Elona Wiki
<Orville> the soldier
292-OrvilleTheSoldier P043-OrvilleTheSoldier
Level 55 Male Yerles Gunner
Str: 66(Hopeless) Con: 78(Hopeless) Dex: 92(Hopeless)
Per: 114(Hopeless) Lea: 135(Hopeless) Wil: 86(Hopeless)
Mag: 82(Hopeless) Cha: 66(Hopeless)
Life: 110 Mana: 90 Speed: 147
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Healing: 66 (2%)
Shield: 68 (2%)
Heavy Armor: 39 (1%)
Medium Armor: 39 (1%)
Lock Picking: 37 (1%)
Light Armor: 39 (1%)
Evasion: 66 (2%)
Disarm Trap: 42 (1%)
Stealth: 39 (1%)
Detection: 37 (1%)
Marksman: 37 (1%)
Literacy: 63 (2%)
Faith: 39 (1%)
Meditation: 39 (1%)
Negotiation: 34 (1%)

Long Sword: 39 (1%)
Axe: 39 (1%)
Martial Arts: 61 (2%)
Scythe: 39 (1%)
Blunt: 39 (1%)
Polearm: 39 (1%)
Stave: 39 (1%)
Short Sword: 39 (1%)
Bow: 39 (1%)
Crossbow: 39 (1%)
Throwing: 64 (2%)
Firearm: 98 (3%)


Fire: Normal
Cold: Normal
Lightning: Normal
Darkness: Normal
Mind: Normal
Poison: Normal

Nether: Normal
Sound: Normal
Nerve: Normal
Chaos: Normal
Magic: No Resist

<Orville> the soldier appears in the Elona+ version of Elona. He gives the Control of underground passage level 50 quest and is located in Melugas in South Tyris. In version 2.07 they gained Linear Launcher, which deals massive damage even at the edge of the player's sight range and can easily kill squishier characters in one or two hits.

After completing his quest, he can grant the same privileges as other Elder NPCs; it doesn't do anything however, not even allow for repeated voting, as this function has not been fully implemented yet.

He can be copied with an Astral Light Pen if the conditions are met.



  • cardorv creates a card of <Orville> the soldier.
  • figureorv creates a figurine of <Orville> the soldier.


The sprite number for the <Orville> the soldier is 292. His portrait is located at 43 by the same sprite numbering system.
