Elona Wiki
Elona Wiki

ใƒŽใ‚คใ‚จใƒซ Noi eru
Icon town snow
You see Noyel. The laughters of children travel from the playground.
Region North Tyris
Location (89,14)
Music mcTown6
Filename noyel.map

Noyel as it appears in the map editor.


ใƒŽใ‚คใ‚จใƒซ Noi eru
Icon town snow
You see Noyel. The laughters of children travel from the playground.
Region North Tyris
Location (89,14)
Music mcTown6
Filename noyel_fest.map
Noyel fest

Noyel during the Festival of Jure as it appears in the map editor.


Noyel is in the snowy area in the far east. Quests to deliver to or from here are often worth a great deal of money. It is also the only town with a sister. Unshackling the fire giant is not recommended; however, it can be highly profitable for someone with decent levels of speed and strong fire resistance.

To the east of the large church is a Holy Well, which has a much higher chance to raise a stat's potential or grant Wishes. Do not attempt to refill it using the normal mixing method; doing so will only yield the message stating that the holy well has been tainted.



  • Identifier
  • Informer
  • Trainer
  • Inn
  • Bartender
  • Sister
  • Healer
  • Altar

What's unique?[]

  • Holy Well
    • The holy well is a special fountain, with a higher chance to grant stat potential increases and wishes.
  • Sister
    • If you have -30 or fewer karma, you may buy an indulgence to restore your karma. Note that Noyel does have guards, so getting to the sister may be a challenge. If you have the mining skill or enough patience to mine, just enter the town from the east side where there are no guards and break your way into the church.
  • Dangerous medal
    • One of the Small Medals used for trading at Miral and Garok's Workshop can be found underneath <Ebon> the fire giant. You will either have to unshackle him, letting him loose on the town, or simply teleport him away.
  • Festival of Jure (Xmas edition and later only)
    • Occurs in the twelfth month. Lots of new NPCs, decorations, and shops show up. Free sand bag by interacting with the prisoner! Convert to Jure of Healing without getting the Punishment hex! (Inquire with the 'part timer' by the altar - free Jure's Body Pillow for all new devotees)

Notable NPCs[]

  • Moyer the Crooked
    • Sells amulets and rings, mainly. If you unshackle Ebon, he will usually be the first to die. Unlike the other NPCs below, he is not a unique NPC.
  • Ebon the Fire Giant
    • <Moyer> the Crooked keeps the fire giant shackled up, and for a good reason. If you unshackle the giant (by opening the shackles next to him) then he will escape and burn everything in his path. He will never go after you deliberately, though, and an infinite number of Palmian elite guards and tourists will spawn to fight him (and lose, probably); the combined factors means that with a strong fire resistance you can dodge in and out of the havoc and grab everything of value that killed NPCs drop. Whilst he is keeping everyone busy you may also consider doing some looting using Pickpocket.
  • Lonely <Pael>
    • You can give her potions of cure corruption as part of the Mother's Illness quest.
  • Pael's Mom <Lily>
    • The... star... in question in the quest Mother's Illness. You can talk to her to check her condition, and to get the option to finish the quest once all is done.

Elona Mobile[]

What's unique in Mobile?[]

  • Souvenir vendor
  • Dungeon: Glacier (level 50) - talk to sister <Theresa>
  • Iron ore pile โ€“ requires mining skill
  • See also Town Achievements for town specific quests.

Usable Equipment[]

  • Tax box
  • anvil
  • noble upright piano (NPC level 30) and grand piano (NPC level 30)
  • cooking tool (level 4 and 8)
  • gacha machine (blue)
  • altar to Jure of healing
  • Alchemy tool
  • Holy well
  • vault atm

Mobile NPC's[]

  • <Pic> the snowman โ€“ A giant sentient snowman. Gives you a quest.
  • <Moen> the juggler โ€“ Sells rings, amulets, and supplies. Also gives snow for crafting. Upgrading his shop is a Town Achievement. In Elona PC, he is named โ€œMoyer the crookedโ€.
  • <Hayes Johnson> the nun - Sells indulgences. Can remove Good/Evil Treasure traits.
  • Sister <Theresa> - Gives access to Great Glacier dungeon. (Lvl 45). Faith shortcut service (Use multiple Scroll of faith at once,)

Side Quests in Mobile[]

See Quests (mobile) page for details.

  • โ€œSend the love Letter to Lilyโ€
  • โ€œTheresa send gift to Queenโ€
