Elona Wiki

This quest is in the Elona+ mod of Elona.

From: <Urcaguary>, in the upper left part of Ol-dran

Task: Find the thief who has been stealing sox from the town. Afterwards, bring 30 sox to Urcaguary for a reward.

Reward: The <Grandel>, and a jewel of tear of god. Repeating the quest rewards you with a new tear each time. The type of jewel given depends on what hour you complete the quest. See the artifact fusion page for the time listing.

Other items of interest: 3 scrolls of faith that can be traded for by giving one sox to <Kuroya> the looking universe, on the first floor of the Dock. This can be repeated.

Since the dialog for this quest was not added in English with the quest, it can be tough to figure out what to do initially. After getting the quest from Urcaguary, you will need at least one pair of sox to proceed. After this, proceed to the Dock to find Kuroya on the first floor. If you have any sox in your inventory, he will ask if you will give it to him. If you do so by selecting the 2nd option, 3 scrolls of faith will be placed on the ground at your feet.

Once you give him the sox, you will be presented with some options. Be aware that once you accuse him, he will attack you. To proceed with the quest, select the first out of three options, then the second out of two options. After killing him, he will drop 10 sox along with his normal drops. If you want to exchange sox for scrolls later on, he will still do so after he respawns.

Once he is killed, Urcaguary will start accepting sox from you to continue the quest. You will not get anything for this, but your journal will update and keep track of how many sox she still requires. Currently, the English counter is broken and will not update. When you have sox in your inventory, speaking to her and selecting the second option will hand them all over. Sox that are worn but cursed, or sox marked as no-drops will not be handed over, and so will obviously not count against the total. If you reach the goal, only the remaining number of required sox for the reward will be taken from you.

Once 30 sox have been handed over, you will be rewarded with the <Grandel> and a jewel of tear of god with random attributes. After completing the quest the first time, you can get another tear by every time you present Urcaguary with 30 more sox.

In Japanese, the name of the quest is "剛石のウリカグアル". This is Urcaguary's name and title, which translates roughly to "Urcaguary, The Tenacious Gem".

Quest Dialogue[]

Starting the Quest[]

ID Speaker Text Branches

U01 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ おう、アタシになんか用か?




A -> U02

B-> U05

C -> Exit Dialogue

U02 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ あー、悪い。そう言って盗みに入った不届き者がいてなぁ。今は身内以外の入団を認めてないんだよ。



A -> Exit Dialogue

B -> U03

U03 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ ん?今、何でもするって言ったな?うむむ…そういうことなら、試しに少し働いてもらおうか。


A -> U04

U04 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ とりあえず今言った泥棒、そいつに盗まれた靴下30枚の代わりを調達してきてくれ。それと泥棒は北東の雪原へ逃げていってな。野垂れ死んでるとは思うが、もし生きてたら成敗しときな。


A -> Exit Dialogue, J01

U05 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ フハハ!面白い冗談を言うじゃないか、照れちまうよ!


A -> U06

U06 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ さ、お子ちゃまはおうちに帰りな。



A -> U07

B -> U08

U07 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ はいはい。いい子でちゅねー。


A -> Exit Dialogue

U08 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ フッハハハハハ!フハハハァー!…いや、悪いねぇ。アタシにとっちゃ冗談の域を出てないのさ。


A -> Exit Dialogue

J01 ジャーナル オルドランにいるウリカグアルから靴下30枚の調達と泥棒の成敗を頼まれている。 N/A

ID Speaker Text Branches

U01 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Oh, do you have some sort of business with me?

A)I wish to join the Knights.

B)I came to seduce you.

C)Not particularly.

A -> U02

B-> U05

C -> Exit Dialogue

U02 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Ah, sorry. That's just what the last person said, and he turned out to be a thief. So, we're not accepting anyone we don't already know at the moment.

A)That's too bad.

B)I'll do anything!

A -> Exit Dialogue

B -> U03

U03 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Hmm? Did you say "anything"? Mmm... Very well then, let's give you a little test.

A) (More)

A -> U04

U04 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Supply us with 30 socks as replacement for those the thief I mentioned earlier took. Also, the thief fled into the snowfields to the northeast. I feel certain that he's dead, but if he's alive, then punish him.

A) Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue, J01

U05 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Fuhaha! What a funny joke, you're going to embarrass me!

A) (More)

A -> U06

U06 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Now, go on and leave, child.


B)I wasn't joking.

A -> U07

B -> U08

U07 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Yes, yes. That's a good child.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

U08 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Fuhahahahaha! Fuhahaha-! ...Ah, sorry. That was just too much.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

J01 Journal I was asked to procure 30 socks for Urcaguary in Ol-Dran, as well as to punish the thief that stole them. N/A

Talking to Kuroya (No Socks)[]

ID Speaker Text Branches

K01 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 この神の艦は空を飛び、イルヴァの外…宇宙をも航行できるのだとか。宇宙…行ってみたいものだね。


A -> K02

K02 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 少年の頃、僕には異星の友人がいてね。彼が母星に帰ってから数十年…別れ際に再会を誓ったけれど、僕はもうこんなおじさんになってしまった。生きている間にもう一度会いたいものだね…。


A -> K03

K03 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 宇宙を航行できるというこの艦を見ていると切なさを感じるとともに、友人の話を聞いて宇宙に思いを馳せていた頃に戻ったような…そんな気分になれるんだ。


A -> Exit Dialogue

ID Speaker Text Branches

K01 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe This warship of the gods can fly in the sky, even outside Irva... Perhaps even travel the universe. I'd like... to see the universe.


A -> K02

K02 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe When I was a boy, I had a friend from a different planet. It's been decades now since he returned to his home world... When we parted, we vowed to reunite someday, but I've already grown old. I hope to meet him once again while I'm still alive...


A -> K03

K03 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe Seeing this ship, which can travel the universe, and thinking about my old friend... it fills me with pain and sadness.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

Talking to Kuroya (With Socks)[]

ID Speaker Text Branches

K01 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 おや…?君、靴下を持っているみたいだね。提案なんだけれど、その靴下1枚と成長の巻物2枚を交換してくれないかな?



A-> K02

B -> K03

K02 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 それは…残念だね。


A -> Exit Dialogue

K03 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 いやぁ、最近はすっかりくつしたの虜で…。クライアントに引き渡すのが惜しいくらいだね。




A -> K05

B-> Exit Dialogue

C-> K04

K04 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 気が遠くなるほどの快楽…いいよね。焦りも苛立ちも、くつしたを嗅いでいる間は忘れられる。


A -> Exit Dialogue

K05 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 !!


A -> K06

K06 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 まさか雪原を越えて追手が来ていたとは…。ただ訂正をさせてもらうと、僕は靴下たちを盗んだわけじゃないんだ。床に無惨に脱ぎ散らかされていた可哀想な靴下たちを保護したに過ぎないんだ。



A -> K07

B -> K08

K07 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 そう。靴下の匂いが、僕を呼んでいるのさ…。


A -> Exit Dialogue

K08 宇宙を望む『クロヤ』 …実力行使か!仕方がない。ソックスソードマン、いざ参る!


A -> Exit Dialogue

ID Speaker Text Branches

K01 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe Oh...? It seems you have some socks with you. I've have a proposal. Why don't you trade me one of those socks in exchange for two scrolls of growth?

A)No way.

B)Hand over <item>.

A-> K02

B -> K03

K02 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe That's... too bad.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

K03 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe My, I've been completely captivated by socks lately... It's a shame I have to turn them over to the client.

A) Are you the sock thief?

B) Everything in moderation.

C) A man after my own heart.

A -> K05

B-> Exit Dialogue

C-> K04

K04 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe How wonderful... The pleasure is simply overwhelming. When sniffing these socks, all my impatience and irritation just disappears.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

K05 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe !!


A -> K06

K06 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe I can't believe someone pursued me through the snow fields... But if you'd allow me to make a correction there, I didn't steal them. I simply protected the poor socks that had been strewn around so carelessly.

A) That's okay then.

B) It's too late to discuss it now.

A -> K07

B -> K08

K07 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe Yes. The smell of socks calls to me...

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

K08 <Kuroya>, One Who Desires The Universe ...Then you leave me no choice. I'll use force! Face the Sock Swordsman!

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

Returning to Urcaguary[]

ID Speaker Text Branches

U01 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ 靴下泥棒をぶっ飛ばしてきたって?フハハハ!アンタやるじゃないか、見直したよ!その調子で靴下の調達も頼むよ。


A -> Exit Dialogue, J01

J01 Journal オルドランにいるウリカグアルから靴下30枚の調達を頼まれている。あと<num>枚の靴下を届ける必要がある。 N/A

ID Speaker Text Branches

U01 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem You beat down the sock thief? Fuhaha! I see you in a whole new light! As per our agreement, please deliver the socks.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue, J01

J01 Journal Urcaguary in Ol-Dran has asked me to provide her with 30 socks. I still need to deliver <num> more. N/A

Delivering Socks[]

ID Speaker Text Branches

U01 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ どうだい?靴下は持ってきたのかい?

A)ちょっと待って B)所持靴下全納入

A -> Exit Dialogue

B-> U02A/U02B

U02A ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ よぉし…確かに受け取ったよ。


U03 (if 30)

U02B ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ しっかりしな。アタシに渡せる靴下がないじゃないか。


A -> Exit Dialogue

B-> U02A/U02B

U03 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ 根性あるじゃないか…アンタは立派な騎士団備品調達係さ!褒美をやるよ、取っておきな。


A -> Exit Dialogue

ID Speaker Text Branches

U01 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem What's going on? Did you bring some socks?

A)Wait a little longer.

B)(Deliver all socks.)

A -> Exit Dialogue

B-> U02A/U02B

U02A <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Alright... I'll take them.


U03 (if 30)

U02B <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Get a hold of yourself. You don't have any socks to give me.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

U03 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Got some guts, don't you... Alright, you're now in charge of equipment procurement for the Knights! Here's your reward. Take care of it.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue

Speaking With Urcaguary Again[]

ID Speaker Text Branches

U01 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ おかしい…少し目を離した隙にまた靴下が全部無くなっているぞ。


A -> U02

U01 ≪剛石のウリカグアル≫ 備品調達係、仕事だよ。また靴下30枚集めてきな。…そう嫌な顔をするなって。また褒美はやるよ。


A -> Exit Dialogue

ID Speaker Text Branches

U01 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem That's funny... All the socks disappeared again when I wasn't looking.


A -> U02

U01 <Urcaguary>, The Tenacious Gem Time to work, Procurement Officer. Collect another 30 socks. ...Don't give me that look. You'll get you another reward.

A)Bye bye.

A -> Exit Dialogue
