Elona Wiki
Mission from Sophia
I need to speak to Sophia in the Sacred Library of Ylva between 14:30 and 15:00 on (date).
Quest giver Sophia
Location Sacred Library of Irva
Rec. level 150
Requirements None
Task Come back on the specified day between 2:30pm to 3pm, and talk to her then
Reward The Vice Staff (one time)
1 jewel of tear of god

This quest was added in the 1.55 update of Elona+.

From: <Sophia> in the Sacred Library of Irva.

Reward: The <Vice Staff>. Repeating the quest will award a jewel of tear of god each time and the type of jewel given depends on what minute you complete the quest. See the artifact fusion page for the time listing.

Task: Come back on the specified day between 2:30pm to 3pm, and talk to her then.

Turning up at the requested time will cause 3 hours to pass.

This quest is repeatable.


Sophia will ask you to give her the Origin of Vice; either of the two options will result in you handing it over. Taking option c in the following dialogue will initiate the quest. She requires the player to come back in about 1 month's time to help organize one of the underground warehouses.


You can temporarily switch the game language into Japanese using config.txt file and view the date from there within the journal (format: yy/mm/dd).

Elona+ Custom[]

In translated versions of Elona+ Custom, she will specify the date when you need to visit. The calculation for the date you have to return is as follows:

  • Add a number ranging from 0 to 2 to the date 1 month from now.
  • If the date from the above step is the 30th or greater, subtract a number ranging from 3 to 5 from it.

In essence, the date will usually range from -4 to +2 days, and will never fall on the 30th. Repeated completions of this quest will therefore eventually require you to return near the end of every month to her.


There are 3 possible jewels that she can give:

Current bugs[]

  • Failing the quest when taking it for the first time will prevent the player from receiving the Vice Staff.