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Elona Wiki

<Marks> the great thief
394-MarksTheGreatThief P001-Sailor1
Level 25 Male Juere Thief
Str: 40(Hopeless) Con: 45(Hopeless) Dex: 82(Hopeless)
Per: 58(Hopeless) Lea: 55(Hopeless) Wil: 38(Hopeless)
Mag: 38(Hopeless) Cha: 53(Hopeless)
Life: 100 Mana: 100 Speed: 105
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 18 (8%)
Healing: 20 (8%)
Shield: 18 (8%)
Heavy Armor: 20 (8%)
Medium Armor: 34 (13%)
Lock Picking: 16 (7%)
Dual Wield: 20 (8%)
Light Armor: 20 (8%)
Evasion: 34 (13%)
Pickpocket: 20 (8%)
Stealth: 20 (8%)
Faith: 20 (8%)
Meditation: 20 (8%)
Magic Device: 18 (8%)
Negotiation: 30 (12%)
Performer: 20 (8%)

Long Sword: 32 (13%)
Axe: 20 (8%)
Martial Arts: 30 (12%)
Scythe: 20 (8%)
Blunt: 20 (8%)
Polearm: 20 (8%)
Stave: 20 (8%)
Short Sword: 34 (13%)
Bow: 32 (13%)
Crossbow: 20 (8%)
Throwing: 32 (13%)


Fire: Little
Cold: Little
Lightning: Little
Darkness: Little
Mind: Little
Poison: Little

Nether: Little
Sound: Little
Nerve: Little
Chaos: Little
Magic: No Resist

<Marks> the great thief
394-Marks(Elona ) P037-MarksTheGreatThief
Level 25 Male Juere Thief
Str: 40(Hopeless) Con: 45(Hopeless) Dex: 82(Hopeless)
Per: 58(Hopeless) Lea: 55(Hopeless) Wil: 38(Hopeless)
Mag: 38(Hopeless) Cha: 53(Hopeless)
Life: 100 Mana: 100 Speed: 105
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 18 (8%)
Healing: 20 (8%)
Shield: 18 (8%)
Heavy Armor: 20 (8%)
Medium Armor: 34 (13%)
Lock Picking: 16 (7%)
Dual Wield: 20 (8%)
Light Armor: 20 (8%)
Evasion: 34 (13%)
Pickpocket: 20 (8%)
Stealth: 20 (8%)
Faith: 20 (8%)
Meditation: 20 (8%)
Magic Device: 18 (8%)
Negotiation: 30 (12%)
Performer: 20 (8%)

Long Sword: 32 (13%)
Axe: 20 (8%)
Martial Arts: 30 (12%)
Scythe: 20 (8%)
Blunt: 20 (8%)
Polearm: 20 (8%)
Stave: 20 (8%)
Short Sword: 34 (13%)
Bow: 32 (13%)
Crossbow: 20 (8%)
Throwing: 32 (13%)
Firearm: 20 (8%)


Fire: No Resist
Cold: No Resist
Lightning: No Resist
Darkness: No Resist
Mind: No Resist
Poison: No Resist

Nether: No Resist
Sound: No Resist
Nerve: No Resist
Chaos: No Resist
Magic: No Resist

Main article: NPCs

<Marks> the Great Thief is a friendly NPC residing directly east of the well in Derphy. He will activate the Pyramid trial level 16 quest, granting access to the Pyramid, for 20,000 gold pieces if you have 3000 fame.

He seems to be based on the "Gentleman Thief" character archetype by the way he dresses and some of his dialogue. Whether or not he's really wealthy or nobility depends on why he's residing in Derphy.

If provoked, he uses a melee-oriented combat routine. He uses no spells but like many thief NPCs, can use the Suspicious hand special action. He wears a set of weapon, helm, armor, cloak, ranged weapon and ammo, all of cheap quality and material.


Flavor text[]


"Impossible? Bah, to you maybe."

"You catch me? Ha! You'd have a better chance shackling your shadow!"

You hear the swagger of a man of supreme confidence, only it's oh so quiet...


  • cardmarks creates a card of <Marks> the great thief.
  • figuremarks creates a figurine of <Marks> the great thief.


The sprite number for <Marks> the great thief is 394. His portrait is located at 1 by the character sprite based numbering system. The portrait is generic, and can be used by random NPCs.

Elona+ Changes[]

394-Marks(Elona )

Along with all vanilla Elona unique NPCs, Marks has received a new portrait and updated sprite. The portrait is located at 37 by the character sprite based numbering system.

He now has trained Firearm skill. His resistances has changed from Little to No Resist.

He can be recruited with the Astral Light Pen if the conditions are met.

