Elona Wiki

The game notes every real world hour that the game has been open (including from title screen/process start?), "You have been playing Elona for # hours." Some hours have additional flavor text.

Hours played Text
1 Larneire[sic] cheers, 'Way to go!'
2 Lomias grins: "Go for it!"
3 Kumiromi worries, "Are you...okay..?"
4 Lulwy sneers, "You're tougher than I thought, little kitty."
5 Larnneire cries, "No... before it's too late..."
6 Lomias grins: "It hasn't even started yet has it?"
7 Lulwy warns you, "Have a rest, kitty. If you are broken, you're no use to me."
8 Lulwy laughs, "I guess there's no use warning you. Alright. Do as you please, kitty."
9 Yacatect wonders, "Don't you lose everything if you break your body?"
12 Opatos laughs, "Muwahahahahahaha!"
24 Ehekatl hugs you,"Don't die! Promise you won't die!"