Elona Wiki

Before joining any of the three guilds in North Tyris, it is required to embark on a rite of passage. Depending on the guild in question the task assigned varies.

Joining the Fighters' Guild[]

Joining the Fighter's Guild
C80-Fray the fighter guildmaster
To join the Fighters' guild, I have been tasked with killing 3 (monsters)
Quest giver Doria the fighter watchman
Location Port Kapul
Rec. level None
Requirements None
Task Kill 3 of the assigned monster
Reward Joining the Fighter's Guild

To receive this quest, talk to Doria the fighter watchman in Port Kapul.

Usually the easiest (depending on the type of monster assigned), by far the simplest of quests. To join the Fighters' Guild one has to kill 3 of a specific monster. This can vary from the common Putit to a slightly rarer monster, but for the first guild quest it won't be anything beyond Danger Level 15 monsters. (changed in Elona+)

Easy Mode[]

If playing in Advancing mode, the player can abuse this quest by savescumming until a common, weak monster is assigned as the quest target (Putits, Yeeks and similar common monsters are possible options). (Vanilla only)

Joining the Thieves' Guild[]

Joining the Thieves' Guild
C197-Sin the thief guildmaster eplus
To join the Thieves' Guild, I must not pay taxes for 4 months
Quest giver Abyss the thief watchman
Location Derphy
Rec. level None
Requirements None
Task Don't pay taxes for 5 ingame months
Reward Joining the Thieves' Guild

Karma -60

To receive this quest, talk to Abyss the thief watchman in Derphy.

While sounding simple, it is suggested to plan in advance before completing this quest.

The requirement is to wait out 5 months without paying taxes. While ingame it says 4 months, the player is not considered unpaid until a month after the bill comes. (changed in Elona+)

This quest cannot be cheated by taking it before reaching level 6 as it is tied to the number of unpaid bills, not the number of months. Buying bills from Miral the legendary smith does not seem to work either.

Completing the requirements for the quest WILL cost the player -60 Karma, rendering them a criminal and causing Guards to attack on sight and Shopkeepers to refuse doing business with you. There are a few ways to mitigate this, listed under the Karma page.

Easy Mode[]

A quicker way to complete this quest is to buy extremely heavy cargo and walking around the overworld map. The severe speed reduction from the cargo will make days pass quickly, as well as special events like the "Dead Adventurer" which allows to recover Karma. (Elona+) The changed requirement can be instantly met after using any nuclear device to destroy a town.

Joining the Mages' Guild[]

Joining the Mages' Guild
C193-Revlus the mage guildmaster
To join the Mages' Guild, I need to gather 30 guild points.
Quest giver Lexus the guild watchman
Location Lumiest
Rec. level None
Requirements None
Task Decode 30 points in ancient books and put them in the guild box
Reward Joining the Mages' Guild

To receive this quest, talk to Lexus the guild watchman in Lumiest.

The requirement for completion is to get 30 points worth of ancient books, read them, and deposit them decoded in the guild box besides the watchman in Lumiest. The higher the rank of the book, the more Literacy is needed to translate it.

Easy Mode[]

(Elona+) You can worship Yacatect of Wealth to greatly increase the chances of getting ancient books from kills. (Elona+) Trap-disarming quests now provide ancient books as rewards.

List of Ancient books[]

Point Value Book Name
1 Voynich Manuscripts
2 Dhol Chants
3 Ponape Scripture
4 Revelations of Glaaki
5 G'harne Fragments
6 Liber Damnatus
7 Book of Dzyan
8 Book of Eibon
9 Grand Grimoire
10 Celaeno Fragments
11 Necronomicon
12 The R'lyeh Text
13 Eltdown Shards
14 The Golden Bough
15 Apocalypse
16 True Apocalypse (Elona+)

Changes in Elona+[]

You can join the Fighters' Guild by finishing a nefia of a certain level. You can join the Thieves' Guild by having -100 karma. A new ancient book has been added. Translating ancient books give more points towards doing the Mages' Guild quests.
