Elona Wiki

(Random name) the guard
Level 40 Yerles Archer
Str: 68(Hopeless) Con: 65(Hopeless) Dex: 86(Hopeless)
Per: 69(Hopeless) Lea: 92(Hopeless) Wil: 56(Hopeless)
Mag: 56(Hopeless) Cha: 50(Hopeless)
Life: 110 Mana: 90 Speed: 126
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Healing: 29 (1%)
Shield: 27 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 29 (1%)
Medium Armor: 48 (2%)
Light Armor: 29 (1%)
Evasion: 52 (2%)
Tailoring: 29 (1%)
Stealth: 29 (1%)
Marksman: 27 (1%)
Literacy: 27 (1%)
Faith: 29 (1%)
Riding: 29 (1%)
Meditation: 29 (1%)
Magic Device: 27 (1%)
Negotiation: 25 (1%)

Long Sword: 29 (1%)
Axe: 48 (2%)
Martial Arts: 46 (2%)
Scythe: 29 (1%)
Blunt: 29 (1%)
Polearm: 29 (1%)
Stave: 29 (1%)
Short Sword: 50 (2%)
Bow: 52 (2%)
Crossbow: 52 (2%)
Throwing: 48 (2%)
Firearm: 31 (1%)


Fire: Strong
Cold: Strong
Lightning: Strong
Darkness: Strong
Mind: Strong
Poison: Strong

Nether: Strong
Sound: Strong
Nerve: Strong
Chaos: Strong
Magic: No Resist

(Random name) the guard
Level 40 Yerles Archer
Str: 68(Hopeless) Con: 65(Hopeless) Dex: 86(Hopeless)
Per: 69(Hopeless) Lea: 92(Hopeless) Wil: 56(Hopeless)
Mag: 56(Hopeless) Cha: 50(Hopeless)
Life: 110 Mana: 90 Speed: 126
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Healing: 29 (1%)
Shield: 27 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 29 (1%)
Medium Armor: 48 (2%)
Light Armor: 29 (1%)
Evasion: 52 (2%)
Tailoring: 29 (1%)
Stealth: 29 (1%)
Marksman: 27 (1%)
Literacy: 27 (1%)
Anatomy: 27 (1%)
Faith: 29 (1%)
Riding: 29 (1%)
Meditation: 29 (1%)
Magic Device: 27 (1%)
Negotiation: 25 (1%)

Long Sword: 29 (1%)
Axe: 48 (2%)
Martial Arts: 46 (2%)
Scythe: 29 (1%)
Blunt: 29 (1%)
Polearm: 29 (1%)
Stave: 29 (1%)
Short Sword: 50 (2%)
Bow: 52 (2%)
Crossbow: 52 (2%)
Throwing: 48 (2%)
Firearm: 52 (2%)


Fire: Little
Cold: Little
Lightning: Little
Darkness: Little
Mind: Little
Poison: Little

Nether: Little
Sound: Little
Nerve: Little
Chaos: Little
Magic: No Resist

(Random name) the guard
Level 40 Norland Archer
Str: 74(Hopeless) Con: 65(Hopeless) Dex: 74(Hopeless)
Per: 57(Hopeless) Lea: 53(Hopeless) Wil: 63(Hopeless)
Mag: 50(Hopeless) Cha: 44(Hopeless)
Life: 100 Mana: 90 Speed: 126
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 27 (1%)
Two Hand: 27 (1%)
Healing: 29 (1%)
Shield: 27 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 29 (1%)
Medium Armor: 48 (2%)
Light Armor: 29 (1%)
Evasion: 52 (2%)
Tailoring: 29 (1%)
Stealth: 29 (1%)
Marksman: 27 (1%)
Faith: 29 (1%)
Riding: 29 (1%)
Meditation: 29 (1%)
Casting: 27 (1%)
Magic Device: 27 (1%)
Control Magic: 27 (1%)

Long Sword: 29 (1%)
Axe: 48 (2%)
Martial Arts: 46 (2%)
Scythe: 29 (1%)
Blunt: 29 (1%)
Polearm: 29 (1%)
Stave: 29 (1%)
Short Sword: 50 (2%)
Bow: 52 (2%)
Crossbow: 52 (2%)
Throwing: 29 (1%)


Fire: Strong
Cold: Strong
Lightning: Strong
Darkness: Strong
Mind: Strong
Poison: Strong

Nether: Strong
Sound: Strong
Nerve: Strong
Chaos: Strong
Magic: No Resist

(Random name) the guard
Level 40 Norland Archer
Str: 74(Hopeless) Con: 65(Hopeless) Dex: 74(Hopeless)
Per: 57(Hopeless) Lea: 53(Hopeless) Wil: 63(Hopeless)
Mag: 50(Hopeless) Cha: 44(Hopeless)
Life: 100 Mana: 90 Speed: 126
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 27 (1%)
Two Hand: 27 (1%)
Healing: 29 (1%)
Shield: 27 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 29 (1%)
Medium Armor: 48 (2%)
Light Armor: 29 (1%)
Evasion: 52 (2%)
Tailoring: 29 (1%)
Stealth: 29 (1%)
Marksman: 27 (1%)
Anatomy: 27 (1%)
Faith: 29 (1%)
Riding: 29 (1%)
Meditation: 29 (1%)
Casting: 27 (1%)
Magic Device: 27 (1%)
Control Magic: 27 (1%)

Long Sword: 29 (1%)
Axe: 48 (2%)
Martial Arts: 46 (2%)
Scythe: 29 (1%)
Blunt: 29 (1%)
Polearm: 29 (1%)
Stave: 29 (1%)
Short Sword: 50 (2%)
Bow: 52 (2%)
Crossbow: 52 (2%)
Throwing: 29 (1%)
Firearm: 29 (1%)


Fire: Little
Cold: Little
Lightning: Little
Darkness: Little
Mind: Little
Poison: Little

Nether: Little
Sound: Little
Nerve: Little
Chaos: Little
Magic: No Resist

For the Omake exclusive class, see Guard (Class).

Guards are high level NPCs found in every town except Derphy and Larna. They give quests like normal citizens and if you have a delivery quest, they'll tell you where the recipient of the quest is. You can give them the lost suitcases or wallets you find for a karma boost; be warned that handing over an empty suitcase or wallet will result in a 5 karma loss. Handing over too many lost wallets or suitcases at a time will make the guards suspicious and cost you a 5 karma loss.

All the guards in the city will attack you if you are caught stealing or have a karma below -30, this can be remedied by using a disguise kit or a spell/scroll of incognito. Eating a corpse of a guard results in a karma loss of 15, and the message "Guards hate you."

You can hire a guard in your home via the House Board; They will attack you if you have negative karma. They can be used to send away any guests from your Home.

Elona+ changes[]

The silver version's Firearm skill is increased and gains the Anatomy skill. Their resistances are reduced to little. They also get a new sprite. The pink version gains the Anatomy and Firearm skills. Their resistances are reduced to little. They also get a new sprite.

Stronger Respawn[]

After killing a guard, the guard will respawn slightly stronger. (Higher Level, higher stats, more Martial Arts skill). If you plan on staying a criminal, plan on killing guards consistently with the other towns if you are doing it for the exp, otherwise try to avoid them as you don't want one town's guards being too strong. Guards give massive exp if you kill them enough times and can potentially give you at least 1 AP each time. One problem you will encounter though, is guards dropping their melee weapon; if a guard drops their melee weapon then they will respawn without it and be forced to use their devastating martial arts skill, so be careful.

They can use a unique special action, forced draft, which can send you directly to the jail in whichever continent you are currently on.


Flavor Text[]


"You will pay for your sin."

"You scum! Stay there."

"Stop there criminal!


"I give up."

"Why me."


  • cardguard creates a card of guard(pink).
  • figureguard creates a figurine of guard(pink).

The guard(silver) cannot be wished.


The sprite number for guard is 25(silver) and 363(pink).
