Elona Wiki

Farmer (Vanilla)
Level 5 Norland Tourist
Str: 12(Bad) Con: 12(Bad) Dex: 9(Bad)
Per: 9(Bad) Lea: 11(Bad) Wil: 14(Good)
Mag: 11(Bad) Cha: 9(Bad)
Life: 100 Mana: 90 Speed: 77
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 5 (67%)
Two Hand: 5 (67%)
Healing: 6 (70%)
Shield: 5 (67%)
Heavy Armor: 6 (70%)
Medium Armor: 6 (70%)
Light Armor: 6 (70%)
Evasion: 6 (70%)
Stealth: 6 (70%)
Fishing: 7 (73%)
Faith: 6 (70%)
Traveling: 5 (67%)
Meditation: 6 (70%)
Casting: 5 (67%)
Control Magic: 5 (67%)

Long Sword: 6 (70%)
Axe: 6 (70%)
Martial Arts: 9 (105%)
Scythe: 6 (70%)
Blunt: 6 (70%)
Polearm: 6 (70%)
Stave: 6 (70%)
Short Sword: 6 (70%)
Bow: 6 (70%)
Crossbow: 6 (70%)
Throwing: 6 (70%)


Fire: No Resist
Cold: No Resist
Lightning: No Resist
Darkness: No Resist
Mind: No Resist
Poison: No Resist

Nether: No Resist
Sound: No Resist
Nerve: No Resist
Chaos: No Resist
Magic: No Resist

Level 5 Karune Farmer
Str: 20(Great) Con: 20(Great) Dex: 16(Good)
Per: 11(Bad) Lea: 21(Great) Wil: 22(Great)
Mag: 11(Bad) Cha: 9(Bad)
Life: 120 Mana: 80 Speed: 77
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Weight Lifting: 4 (64%)
Healing: 12 (114%)
Shield: 5 (67%)
Heavy Armor: 6 (70%)
Medium Armor: 6 (70%)
Light Armor: 6 (70%)
Evasion: 10 (108%)
Tailoring: 7 (73%)
Stealth: 6 (70%)
Anatomy: 13 (117%)
Gardening: 12 (114%)
Cooking: 8 (76%)
Faith: 6 (70%)
Traveling: 5 (67%)
Meditation: 6 (70%)
Negotiation: 7 (73%)

Long Sword: 6 (70%)
Axe: 6 (70%)
Martial Arts: 10 (108%)
Scythe: 10 (108%)
Blunt: 6 (70%)
Polearm: 11 (111%)
Stave: 6 (70%)
Short Sword: 6 (70%)
Bow: 6 (70%)
Crossbow: 6 (70%)
Throwing: 6 (70%)
Firearm: 6 (70%)


Fire: Weak
Cold: Weak
Lightning: Weak
Darkness: Weak
Mind: Weak
Poison: Weak

Nether: Weak
Sound: Weak
Nerve: Weak
Chaos: Weak
Magic: Weak



  • cardfarmer creates a card of Farmer.
  • figurefarmer creates a figurine of Farmer.


The sprite numbers for farmer are 179 and 180 for male and female, respectively.

Elona+ changes[]

Farmers in Elona+ are changed to the Karune race. They also have a chance of having the <Zwiebel> generated in their inventory (1/200).
