This quest is in the Elona+ mod of Elona.
From: <Silvia> the Princess in The Smoke and Pipe. She is in the upper left corner room, surrounded by NPCs and hurling insults toward <the leopard warrior>.
Reward: A happy apple, and 1000 music tickets.
Task: Deliver pets with high charisma to her. They would be permanently lost. The first must have over 100 charisma, and the second over 150. Then talk to her a final time when your own charisma is over 200. There are no rewards until you complete the final requirement.
Talk to her to start the quest, pick the top option. The other two options seem to just be different refusals, although one of them is offering yourself, and her refusal. Gender is not a factor in any of this,.
Talking to her after you accept will bring up a choice, pick the top one to continue. The slave selling menu will appear, but despite what it says, you don't get money for this. If you select a pet with lower charisma than required, you get the "not the wife" text. This is just an error, and is unrelated to this quest. Select the pet above 100 charisma to give her, and you'll get a -2 karma penalty and your journal will update.
The next pet has to be above 150, so when you have one you want to give her select it. You'll get a -2 karma penalty and your journal will update again.
The third time, she wants you. You need to have over 200 charisma for this. After she does you, she becomes insane as is normal, and your journal updates along with the quest completion. Even if your stamina was too low to do the deed, you complete the quest, although she doesn't give you whatever small amount of money you would have gotten from her. Pick up your reward from the ground, and you're done. Amusingly enough, talking to her again will cause her to do you again, whether you want to or not. There are no rewards for that, other than whatever money she has remaining.