Elona Wiki
Elona Mobile


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Version v1.106

Elona Mobile is the commercial Android / IOS version of Elona, a bizarre, open-world RPG. It is not a direct port of Elona or any variant. It is authorized by the original developer, Noa, but created by a separate team of developers.

Please note: Many pages of this wiki are shared between the original Elona and Elona Mobile wikis, but keep in mind that information on pages not marked "mobile" or in the Mobile-specific section at the bottom of many pages, may not be relevant to mobile players and information from the PC variants might be not accurate for the Mobile version.

The information listed in this wiki will be relevant for the Global release of Elona Mobile. The Chinese version has some content that's not yet available in the global version, information from this version will be described as such and may be different when released in the global version.

Need Help?[]

Beyond this wiki, there's more pages that can help players:

  • Official Elona Mobile Discord has a channel dedicated for questions and a lot of active players.
  • Data Spreadsheets curated by HunterSilver from the Elona Mobile Discord has a lot of data relevant to Elona Mobile.
  • You can also ask questions in the r/elona subreddit (Remember to set the flair of your question as "Elona Mobile")
  • Wikiwiki Elona Mobile wiki (in Japanese)

Main Topics[]

What to do next?[]

There are lots of things to do Elona Mobile. Individual quests may be different in different version of Elona.

  • Follow the Main Quest and Side Quests.
  • Town Board Jobs
  • Adventure Life Tutorial Quests - Select the Little Girl icon and then the Sword icon.
  • Kingdom Bounty - Daily and weekly achievements. Select the Little Girl icon and then the "Goblet" icon Bounties.
  • Time limited Events - Select the Little Girl icon and then "Trumpet" icon Events UI menu.
  • Achievement Board - Look for Achievement Boards near the center of towns.
  • Town Achievements - Each town has unique tasks that earn Town Achievement points, Select the Phone icon and then "Trophy" icon Achievements.
  • Challenge the Void, Rift, or Testing Grounds special dungeons.
  • Challenge the random dungeons and see how far you can go.

Tips/ Guides[]
