Elona Wiki

You see Eirel. It's atomosphere[sic] is restful. - Description of Eirel on the world map.

Eirel is the first real town in South Tyris. It is a full town with a quest board. There are many regular mercenary neutral NPCs here, along with a couple cats, a bard, beggars, and a couple of Military Putits. There are also several small medals, and a well.

It uses track number 43 for its music (mcTown7).


  • Innkeeper (Rank 8)
  • General Vendor (Rank 10)
  • Goods Vendor (Rank 18)
  • Magic Vendor (Rank 21)
  • Baker (Rank 9)
  • Blacksmith (Rank 12
  • Trader (Rank 22)


Notable NPC's[]

Small Medal Locations[]

  • Middle left part of the town, to the lower left of the Dog Cop's house. Head to the scarecrow on the left side of the house, and head straight down. You'll pass over the medal before you reach the magic vendor's house, about halfway.
  • Middle left part of the town, in the previously mentioned area. From the scarecrow above, head left into the tiny field. In the bottom left part of the field there is an open space, and the medal is here.
  • Upper middle part of the town, inside the house with the elder. It is lying on the ground one space north of the fur carpet.
  • Middle of the town, in the blacksmith's shop. There are two anvils in the room, and one space to the north of the left one lies the medal.
  • Middle of the town, slightly to the right. Line yourself up with the City Chart, and head left into the small pond. The medal is in the middle of the water.
  • Middle right part of town, inside the baker's shop and Inn. The medal is near the upper right side of the house, one space below the sofa.
  • Middle right part of town, near the Statue of Creator surrounded by water. The medal is right between the water and the Pub
  • Upper right part of town, in the Pub. The medal is one space to the right of the piano.
