Elona Wiki
<Devastate Luluwy>
Chara 393-426 lulwy
Level 1200 Female God Archer
Str: 2000(Hopeless) Con: 2000(Hopeless) Dex: 2000(Hopeless)
Per: 2000(Hopeless) Lea: 2000(Hopeless) Wil: 2000(Hopeless)
Mag: 2000(Hopeless) Cha: 2000(Hopeless)
Life: 200 Mana: 100 Speed: 2000
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 856 (1%)
Two Hand: 821 (1%)
Healing: 788 (1%)
Shield: 755 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 788 (1%)
Medium Armor: 1289 (2%)
Dual Wield: 821 (1%)
Light Armor: 788 (1%)
Evasion: 1844 (3%)
Tailoring: 788 (1%)
Stealth: 788 (1%)
Eye of Mind: 755 (1%)
Greater Evasion: 2000 (2%)
Marksman: 1371 (2%)
Anatomy: 755 (1%)
Faith: 788 (1%)
Riding: 788 (1%)
Meditation: 788 (1%)
Casting: 856 (1%)
Magic Device: 755 (1%)
Control Magic: 856 (1%)
Performer: 755 (1%)

Long Sword: 1355 (2%)
Axe: 1870 (3%)
Martial Arts: 1390 (2%)
Scythe: 1355 (2%)
Blunt: 1355 (2%)
Polearm: 1355 (2%)
Stave: 1355 (2%)
Short Sword: 1889 (3%)
Bow: 1910 (3%)
Crossbow: 1910 (3%)
Throwing: 1355 (2%)
Firearm: 1355 (2%)


Fire: Superb
Cold: Superb
Lightning: Superb
Darkness: Superb
Mind: Superb
Poison: Superb

Nether: Superb
Sound: Superb
Nerve: Superb
Chaos: Superb
Magic: Normal

AI Routine
Reaction to Player: Hostile
Preferred Distance: 3
Movement Chance: 50%
When Below 25% HP: No Action
Basic Secondary (12%)
Insult Acid Hurricane
Blame Pain Blade Turbulence
Ranged Attack (x3) Eye of Insanity

<Devastate[sic] Luluwy> only appears in the Elona+ version of Elona. Similar to the God inside Ehekatl, she appears when Lulwy of Wind is summoned with a wish, then killed. When appearing, she is accompanied by harmless explosions and the text: "You are so fool...die!". She wields the <Dreadnought>, which she drops upon her death. The misspellings are errors in the translation.

Her unique ability is TempestArrow, which summons 2-4 strong god creatures, Rudras. She also uses Space retention, making teleportation unusable by others.

She innately floats and is immune to fear.

She can be copied with an Astral Light Pen if the conditions are met. However, because she is a god, she is subject to the God recruiting penalty.



  • HP 4,820,025/80,591 (NPC/Pet)
  • MP 482,000/40,293 (NPC/Pet)
  • INI 16,450(2000)/3,114(333) (NPC/Pet)


  • carddevastate lu creates a card of <Devastate Luluwy>.
  • figuredevastate lu creates a figurine of <Devastate Luluwy>.


The sprite number for <Devastate Luluwy> is 393. It is a large sprite, so any replacement must be 48x96.

Unlike Lulwy of Wind, she does not have a portrait. Additionally, she glows with a light effect.
