Elona Wiki

<Conery> Palmian major general
403-Conery P039-ConeryPalmianMajorGeneral(Original)
Level 38 Male Norland Warrior
Str: 96(Hopeless) Con: 96(Hopeless) Dex: 45(Hopeless)
Per: 42(Hopeless) Lea: 47(Hopeless) Wil: 66(Hopeless)
Mag: 47(Hopeless) Cha: 42(Hopeless)
Life: 100 Mana: 90 Speed: 123
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 46 (3%)
Two Hand: 49 (3%)
Healing: 50 (3%)
Shield: 48 (3%)
Heavy Armor: 48 (3%)
Medium Armor: 48 (3%)
Light Armor: 28 (2%)
Evasion: 50 (3%)
Stealth: 28 (2%)
Faith: 28 (2%)
Meditation: 28 (2%)
Casting: 26 (2%)
Control Magic: 26 (2%)

Long Sword: 52 (3%)
Axe: 52 (3%)
Martial Arts: 44 (3%)
Scythe: 50 (3%)
Blunt: 52 (3%)
Polearm: 48 (3%)
Stave: 28 (2%)
Short Sword: 48 (3%)
Bow: 28 (2%)
Crossbow: 28 (2%)
Throwing: 28 (2%)


Fire: Normal
Cold: Normal
Lightning: Normal
Darkness: Normal
Mind: Normal
Poison: Normal

Nether: Normal
Sound: Normal
Nerve: Normal
Chaos: Normal
Magic: No Resist

<Conery> Palmian major general
403-Conery(Elona ) P039-ConeryPalmianMajorGeneral
Level 38 Male Norland Warrior
Str: 96(Hopeless) Con: 96(Hopeless) Dex: 45(Hopeless)
Per: 42(Hopeless) Lea: 47(Hopeless) Wil: 66(Hopeless)
Mag: 47(Hopeless) Cha: 42(Hopeless)
Life: 100 Mana: 90 Speed: 123
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 46 (3%)
Two Hand: 49 (3%)
Healing: 50 (3%)
Shield: 48 (3%)
Heavy Armor: 48 (3%)
Medium Armor: 48 (3%)
Light Armor: 28 (2%)
Evasion: 50 (3%)
Stealth: 28 (2%)
Faith: 28 (2%)
Meditation: 28 (2%)
Casting: 26 (2%)
Control Magic: 26 (2%)

Long Sword: 52 (3%)
Axe: 52 (3%)
Martial Arts: 44 (3%)
Scythe: 50 (3%)
Blunt: 52 (3%)
Polearm: 48 (3%)
Stave: 28 (2%)
Short Sword: 48 (3%)
Bow: 28 (2%)
Crossbow: 28 (2%)
Throwing: 28 (2%)
Firearm: 28 (2%)


Fire: Little
Cold: Little
Lightning: Little
Darkness: Little
Mind: Little
Poison: Little

Nether: Little
Sound: Little
Nerve: Little
Chaos: Little
Magic: No Resist

Main article: NPCs

<Conery> Palmian major general is a unique friendly NPC located in the throne room in Palmia. He gives the Minotaur king level 24 quest.

Because he is one of the stronger NPCs in normal Elona and is right on the edge of the nuke area in the Red Blossom in Palmia quest, he can often survive the nuke. This means the fires which start might end up sending him after you, who can kill you off quite quickly while you try to pick up the loot after setting the nuke off.

If provoked, he uses a melee-routine in combat. He doesn't have any spells or special actions. Like many humanoid NPCs, he comes equipped with a set of weapon, helm, armor, girdle, ranged weapon with ammo, all of cheap quality and material.


Flavor Text[]


"Kill a man, they put you in the gallows. Kill ten-thousand, they make you a General."

"We're going to need all the help we can get, yes indeed."

"You know what separates a soldier from a thug? The polish on his buttons, that's what."


  • cardcone creates a card of <Conery> Palmian major general.
  • figurecone creates a figurine of <Conery> Palmian major general.


The sprite number for <Conery> Palmian major general is 403. His portrait is located at 39 by the character sprite based numbering system.

Changes in Elona+[]

403-Conery(Elona )

Conery has an updated portrait and sprite, in addition to the Firearm skill that is standard to all characters in Elona+. His resistances have changed from Normal to Little.
