Elona Wiki

<Belphat> the cosmic sword
Belphat the cosmic sword Belphat the cosmic sword portrait
Level 154 Male Yith Fencer (Warrior)
Str: 492(Hopeless) Con: 530(Hopeless) Dex: 228(Hopeless)
Per: 425(Hopeless) Lea: 157(Hopeless) Wil: 156(Hopeless)
Mag: 278(Hopeless) Cha: 278(Hopeless)
Life: 150 Mana: 200 Speed: 285
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 104 (1%)
Two Hand: 114 (1%)
Weight Lifting: 109 (1%)
Healing: 180 (2%)
Shield: 177 (2%)
Heavy Armor: 175 (2%)
Medium Armor: 175 (2%)
Light Armor: 104 (1%)
Evasion: 180 (2%)
Stealth: 104 (1%)
Faith: 104 (1%)
Meditation: 104 (1%)
Casting: 104 (1%)
Control Magic: 104 (1%)

Long Sword: 185 (2%)
Axe: 185 (2%)
Martial Arts: 170 (2%)
Scythe: 180 (2%)
Blunt: 185 (2%)
Polearm: 175 (2%)
Stave: 104 (1%)
Short Sword: 175 (2%)
Bow: 104 (1%)
Crossbow: 104 (1%)
Throwing: 104 (1%)
Firearm: 104 (1%)


Fire: No Resist
Cold: No Resist
Lightning: No Resist
Darkness: No Resist
Mind: No Resist
Poison: No Resist

Nether: No Resist
Sound: No Resist
Nerve: No Resist
Chaos: No Resist
Magic: Superb

AI Routine
Reaction to Player: Friendly
Preferred Distance: 1
Movement Chance: 5%
When Below 25% HP: Cure of Eris
Basic Secondary (6%)
Shadow Step (x3) Attribution Shield
Mind Breath

<Belphat> the cosmic sword
Belphat the cosmic sword Belphat the cosmic sword portrait
Level 170 Male Yith Fencer (Warrior)
Str: 541(Hopeless) Con: 583(Hopeless) Dex: 251(Hopeless)
Per: 467(Hopeless) Lea: 172(Hopeless) Wil: 170(Hopeless)
Mag: 305(Hopeless) Cha: 305(Hopeless)
Life: 150 Mana: 200 Speed: 308
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Tactics: 114 (1%)
Two Hand: 125 (1%)
Weight Lifting: 120 (1%)
Healing: 198 (2%)
Shield: 194 (2%)
Heavy Armor: 192 (2%)
Medium Armor: 192 (2%)
Light Armor: 114 (1%)
Evasion: 198 (2%)
Stealth: 114 (1%)
Faith: 114 (1%)
Meditation: 114 (1%)
Casting: 114 (1%)
Control Magic: 114 (1%)

Long Sword: 203 (2%)
Axe: 203 (2%)
Martial Arts: 186 (2%)
Scythe: 196 (2%)
Blunt: 203 (2%)
Polearm: 192 (2%)
Stave: 114 (1%)
Short Sword: 192 (2%)
Bow: 114 (1%)
Crossbow: 114 (1%)
Throwing: 114 (1%)
Firearm: 114 (1%)


Fire: No Resist
Cold: No Resist
Lightning: No Resist
Darkness: No Resist
Mind: No Resist
Poison: No Resist

Nether: No Resist
Sound: No Resist
Nerve: No Resist
Chaos: No Resist
Magic: Superb

AI Routine
Reaction to Player: Friendly
Preferred Distance: 1
Movement Chance: 5%
When Below 25% HP: Cure of Eris
Basic Secondary (6%)
Shadow Step (x3) Attribution Shield
Mind Breath

<Belphat> the cosmic sword is Elona+ exclusive friendly NPC.

He takes residence in 15th floor of Cradle of Chaos, looking for his friend, Kuro, which he means <Kuroya> the looking universe. He will join PC party temporarily to guide him into the Dock. This also requires PC to have at least one empty slot party. After PC guide him to the Dock and talk to <Kuroya> the looking universe as part of minor quest, he'll stay there. He can be also be met again along with <Kuroya> the looking universe in 24th floor of Cradle of Chaos. His stat is as strong as his stat in the Dock.

In combat, he often uses Shadow Step special action. He also uses Mind Breath and Swarm special actions. He also buffs himself by casting Attribution Shield. On low health, he casts Cure of Eris.

He is innately resistant to raw magic, immune to blindness and fear.



  • cardbelphat creates a card of <Belphat> the cosmic sword.
  • figurebelphat creates a figurine of <Belphat> the cosmic sword.


The sprite number for <Belphat> the cosmic sword is 870. His portrait is located at 89 by the character sprite based numbering system.
