I trained platina bell specially for purpose of defeating him, then went and defeated him with magic dart, generous amount of kiting and machine gun which invokes Gravity Sphere.
I want to know if that's even possible 'cuz that would be pretty hilarious if you can pull that.
Yes, this invariably has worked for me with Jure as the God. It depends on how mad Jure gets to how quickly he beats up Zeome but doesn't seem to take too long. Just stay clear of the boss while Jure goes to work. Both times I used a rod of wishing.
Hire several high-level adventurers to take care of Zeome for you!
Paid two of them @ around 20k each (both were lvl 60+). One was a wizard and one was a warrior. I loaded my PC up with chaos-resistant gear. My Exile died in the middle of the fight. My only involvement was spamming slow throughout the fight.
Nice, I don't think I've ever seen level 60 adventurers before beating Zeome. Chaos resistance seems to be a common theme and I think Sound resistance too though just hitting him really hard over and over seems to be the best medicine. As you can read from my earlier posts at one point I was unable to kill him and neither could he manage to kill me either. Helps to have pets with LOTS of hp for those huge balls.
Just beat him with a level 28 Elea Warmage. Getting his health down was easy enough:magic dart, teleport, run to regen mana. Wash, rinse, repeat. The tricky part is finishing him off before he heals. The best way to finish him off that I've seen is to cause a time stop and throw your most damaging attacks, bonus if you have attacks that can cause decapitation. Time Stop ammo, Gauge Release, and hit him with everything you have.
Oops, forgot to log in before I posted that XD
Just beat Zeome with a lvl 33 mutant gunner in Elona+ Custom.. Pets were a lvl 33 Platinum Bell(lvl 7 living Shuriken) and a lvl 37 fire dragon child(tanked up spec, heavy armor, shield and shield tonfa). Trying to hit him with most elemental attacks was useless so i ordered the fire dragon child to only use melee(default) AI.
I kept up Cheer the entire battle, made sure my pets had superb+ magic resistance, and basically just unloaded every debuff potion i had on him until i ran out of things to throw. If i managed to land a resist debuff on him, i used Rod of Silence of which i had two of.
My fire dragon was able to tank him for quite a long time with its insance life score, and the platinum bell whittled him down with Cut+Poison procs, and whatever other element was procced through his resistance. Also, the shuriken has 15% base penetration which helped whittle him down.
Whenever got a summon monster up, i focused my pets on them until they were dead....Too many adds will definitely kill you or your pets, and protecting the Bell from getting surrounded was key.
Once i had him low to the point where he started casting Healing of Jure, I switched to my ranged combo, Arbalest necklace + Nightmare throwing knife. Every time i got a proc of Nightmare off I would start to pummel him with Nerve and Darkness Eye. Whenever i got a Time Stop, i would use Heal Touch and Healing Rain. It was a long fight, and took a lot of resources.
First time i died miserably because i didnt know what to expect. Second time he got smoked.
Btw, Potions of High Wisdom, Trolls blood and Vitality are most definitely your friend here!
He's soft as f- but make sure to paralyze him when he's at 30% and use your strongest attack and pray you kill him, that's pretty much what I did (shining wave damage is busted)